AP Chair and the Faculty Voters receive an email from ACRS with the information to their meeting, individual voting poll link and a button on the top to.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Chair and the Faculty Voters receive an email from ACRS with the information to their meeting, individual voting poll link and a button on the top to."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Chair and the Faculty Voters receive an from ACRS with the information to their meeting, individual voting poll link and a button on the top to get into ACRS system to review the case. Faculty voters may click here to log into ACRS to view the case materials when needed.

2 If you are logging into the system for the first time, you will be prompted with the page below. Please click on “Partner Institution” button to log in via secure single sign on (SSO).

3 Please type in “merced” and UC Merced will show up in the dropdown
Please type in “merced” and UC Merced will show up in the dropdown. Please select “University of California-Merced” and click on “Sign in” button.

4 Please type in your UCMNet ID and Password and click on “login” button in the page (below).

5 You will be presented with the following screen when you log into SSO
You will be presented with the following screen when you log into SSO. The tab “Case Materials” has the candidate uploaded documents along with some school AP uploaded documents. And the tab “Case Details” has all the instructions and checklist for the AP Chair.

6 Faculty voters will be presented with the screen below once they log in via single sign on. Faculty Voters may choose to read through the case by clicking on “Read” button.

7 You may either click on the documents on the left hand menu to read through them, or click on “next material” button to move to the next document. You may also read the previous action documents by clicking on the “Previous action documents – uploaded by school AP” section on the left hand menu.

8 If you prefer to read the case offline, please click on “download” button located on the top right corner of the screen.

9 You may also add annotations to the candidate documents for your reference. These annotations will be private to your account and cannot be viewed by any other member. To add annotations. Click on the edit icon (in the bottom right corner) and choose the type of annotation you would like to use. There are three choices “Point”, “Area”, ”Text” to choose from.

10 Annotations can also be exported in the form of PDF.
To export all your annotations, Please click on the “Annotations” tab and then click on the export button shown with an arrow in the screenshot below.

11 Please click on “Return to Case” to go back to the case and log out of the system when you have finished reading the case.

12 Faculty voters may click on the poll link (after its activated) after the case is presented to them by the AP Chair. Please go back your to access the link.

13 Please wait until you receive another from APO via ACRS to read the Transmittal Memo uploaded by AP Chair. If disagreements occur regarding transmittal memo, have a good faith conversation with the AP chair. If, disagreements remain you may elect to respond with a minority opinion in the system. Instructions on how to view the transmittal memo and respond with a minority report in ACRS can be found here :

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