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Connection: …between formative and summative assessment (including use of data)

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2 Connection: …between formative and summative assessment (including use of data)

3 Purpose: to refine our understanding of
Purpose: to refine our understanding of formative and summative assessment. Focus: to interpret data to drive instructional practice.

4 As you view the video, think about a connection that you can share regarding formative and summative assessment After the video have participants turn and talk and share their take away.

5 Summative or Formative?
State Assessments How would you classify these assessments and why? (table talk)

6 Summative or Formative?
How would you classify these assessments and why? (table talk)

7 Have you created the road map for your unit?

8 “Beginning With the End in Mind”
Summative Assessments need to be designed in advance of instruction. Ask the questions: “What are your goals for student learning?” “Are you familiar with the skill(s) necessary for success on the summative assessment?” “If you are not the author of the summative assessment, are familiar are you with this assessment?”

9 This is the first page of a BV district science unit guide, it could be any content unit guide… here you see the skills identified for this unit

10 Are you familiar with the skills the summative assessment is asking of your students?
This second page shows the assessment piece Some content areas will already have assessments created and identified on their unit guides. But everyone should be familiar with their summative assessment before designing the instruction.

11 For example this assessment identifies the skills the students should master throughout the unit.
(use argument supported by evidence) Ask participants: “What instruction needs to take place in this lesson?”

12 Here is one example: one of the skills identified is argumentative writing, so the instruction needs to support the components of argumentative writing. This LDC is an example that would support this skill. Notice: This task is about the elements of argumentative writing such as position, claims, evidence…

13 This rubric aligns the various skills needed for argumentative writing identified in the task

14 Formative and Summative Assessments should align in knowledge, skills, reasoning and/or product.
Based on the unit shared, discuss the alignment of the instruction with the assessment

15 Here is the data collected from this LDC activity
Here is the data collected from this LDC activity. What would this data tell you? Now what? Remember, this data is formative, used for instructional decision making and does not need to be used for a grade in the gradebook

16 “Sooner than Later” Use formative data to adjust instruction prior to summative assessment. What types of formative assessment data do you collect?

17 How do you have students reflect on their strengths and weaknesses?
How often do they reflect on their progress towards mastery? What are the benefits of student’s self reflection on their progress?

18 “Providing Student Accountability”
Student reflection is key between formative and summative assessment, allowing student awareness of their strengths and weaknesses. “How do you have your students reflect on their strengths and weaknesses?” “How often do they reflect on their progress towards mastery?”

19 Think about assessments, both formative and summative
Think about assessments, both formative and summative. Choose a sign to discuss with your shoulder partner… How does the sign you picked relate to formative and/or summative assessment.

20 “If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you got
Albert Einstein

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