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A Voice that Matters Engaging Students and Families in Goal Setting through using Student-Led Conferences Michelle Peirce Striving Readers Ellen Badger.

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2 A Voice that Matters Engaging Students and Families in Goal Setting through using Student-Led Conferences Michelle Peirce Striving Readers Ellen Badger Striving Readers

3 Student Voice When students set a goal and then create and monitor a realistic plan to achieve it, they are engaged in their own learning in real and relevant ways. --(Moss & Brookhart, 2009)

4 Essential Questions How will the process of student-led conferencing encourage students to become self-regulated learners? How will Student-led conferences support students in attaining 21 st century learning competencies? How will conducting Student-led conferences in your classroom align with the goals of Envision 2020?

5 Learning Outcomes Participants will become familiar with: Self-Regulated Learning The process of student-led conferences Using data efficiently Goal Setting for increased student growth Incorporating the dimensions of the 21 st Century Competencies to boost student learning

6 Envision 2020 Objective 1.4: Provide access to relevant and actionable education data to promote data-driven decision making Goal 1: Ensure annual student academic growth through a vertically aligned system of curriculum and instruction founded on rigorous and relevant instruction designed to meet the needs of every child in our diverse student population.


8 Expert learners engage in what we call Self-Regulated Learning. A Self-Regulated Learner begins with goal-setting and planning, taking into account his or her time constraints, strengths and weaknesses relevant to the learning task, and motivation for learning. Having set reasonable goals and planned his or her learning strategies, the Self-Regulated Learner then implements his or her plan, monitoring the results as he or she studies. If the chosen strategies are working well, he or she continues; if not, he or she makes adjustments and monitors the results until they are in line with his or her learning goals. ( Turn and talk with shoulder partner, then share your thoughts on Padlet link: “Self-Regulated Learning is…”

9 Research: Activating Students as Owners of their Own Learning Text Graffiti: Participants will rotate from poster to poster and offer written reflection on the quotes provided from current Self Regulation research practitioners.

10 Giving Power to Student Voice: What are Student-Led Conferences? A conference with the family in which the student leads discussion of his/her work and a review of his/her portfolio. The classroom teacher goes from being the leader of the conference to becoming a facilitator. Student goes from non-participant or passive observer to leader of the conference. Families become more actively engaged in discussions with their child rather than the teacher. Implementing Student-Led Conferences Jane Bailey & Thomas Guskey

11 Giving Power to Student Voice Why Student-Led Conferences? Benefits Allows “individual voice” for students. Requires students to evaluate and reflect upon their work on a regular basis and identify what they do and do not understand about a given subject. Students take more responsibility for THEIR OWN LEARNING. Helps students see relevance of schoolwork to their lives and contribute to their metacognitive growth. Implementing Student-Led Conferences Jane Bailey & Thomas Guskey

12 Model to Successful Student Ownership

13 Changing Roles Student-Led Conferences The student’s role Student’s role changes from passive observer to one of leader. Student is the key person responsible for: Identifying strengths and learning needs; Collecting and reflecting evidence to document progress; Inviting parents and scheduling; Role-playing and rehearsing; Communicating pertinent information to family. Implementing Student-Led Conferences Jane Bailey & Thomas Guskey

14 Changing Roles Student-Led Conferences The teachers’ role Teachers become facilitators as students lead their families through discussions about their progress and learning. Teachers are responsible for organizing the conference environment. This includes: Scheduling; Guiding portfolio collection; Rehearsing with the students; Arranging space for meetings. Implementing Student-Led Conferences Jane Bailey & Thomas Guskey

15 Changing Roles Student-Led Conferences The family’s role Families become partners in learning. Families’ responsibilities include: Providing reinforcement, encouragement and praise; helping student’s with accomplishing their goals Asking probing questions Listening and spending time with their child Implementing Student-Led Conferences Jane Bailey & Thomas Guskey

16 Preparing For Conferences Communicate concept to parents Scheduling of meetings Determine contents of portfolio and how to collect Educate students on the process of data analysis, goal setting, and communicating their story to others. Encourage family participation Determine and implement evaluation method (parent survey/exit ticket) Implementing Student-Led Conferences Jane Bailey & Thomas Guskey

17 Preparing For Conferences Determining content of portfolio Goal Setting Sheet MAP Report: Student Goal Setting Sheet CRT Strand Performance Report Student Survey of Skills: MAP Learning Progressions BIG Report: Student Profile Page Report Card Student Work Samples

18 Preparing For Conferences Educate students on the process of data analysis, goal setting, and communicating their story to others. The Student Data Experience: Assessment Literacy Personal Data Story Identifying Strengths and Areas of Possible Concern Student Survey of Skills Goals Setting Collaboration/Feedback with Peers Role playing

19 Students Monitoring Progress Towards Goals: Becoming Self-Regulated Learners Video Diary Edmodo Peer Conferencing Blog Charting Progress/ Determining Milestones

20 Wrap-up

21 Resources student-led_16.html student-led_16.html student-led.html student-led.html

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