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Between the Wars Week 2-3 Global 4 Ms. Lyons.

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1 Between the Wars Week 2-3 Global 4 Ms. Lyons

2 Effects of World War I Treaty of Versailles Collapse of Empires:
Germany has to: give up land & military, admit they started war & pay reparations League of Nations formed US never joined (didn’t want to get into future wars) Collapse of Empires: Austria-Hungary broke up Ottoman Empire broke up No one is happy

3 Collapse of Empires (looks like this…)

4 Nationalism in Turkey Kemal Atatürk took over & started a westernization/modernization program European law (NOT Sharia law) Christian calendar (NOT Muslim) Western clothes State schools set up Latin (NOT Arabic) Women could vote & work Industrialization roads, railroads, factories built

5 Nationalism in India British controlled India through colonialism
Amritsar Massacre (1919) British shot a group of Indians with no warning 400 died, 1,200 wounded Convinced Indians they must get rid of the British

6 Where is India on the map?

7 Mohandas Gandhi 1920’s-1930’s Leader of Indian nationalist movement
Civil disobedience No violence, disobey unjust laws Boycotted British goods Hated caste system Wanted equal rights (women too) India got independence in 1947 1 yr before he died

8 Nationalism in China After World War I: BAD economy, peasants starved
Movements: May Fourth students, modernization, western science, democracy Communists Nationalists Sun Yat-sen & Chiang Kai-shek Civil War (22 yrs) Communists vs. Nationalists

9 “The Lost Generation” Literature & Arts were depressing
loss of hope, rejecting former rules/values Americans left US for Europe Wanted to have fun, but “lost” (no life goal) Poet T.S. Eliot portrayed world as spiritually empty Painters stopped trying to paint real world experimented with color & distorted shapes

10 Causes of the Great Depression
Less demand for raw materials after war Prices fell, miners/farmers lost money High cost of manufactured goods Factory workers won higher wages, price of goods went up, farmers couldn’t buy them Stock market crash Stocks bought “on margin” only paid part of cost & borrowed the rest of the $

11 Effects of the Great Depression
Unemployment Starving Global trade stopped Authoritarian rule Some lost faith in democracy & capitalism

12 Fascism ***Activity: compare to Democracy***
[see chart on p. 260 of blue Regents review book]

13 Fascism in Italy Benito Mussolini
Promised: to end unemployment, gain more land for Italy, outlaw worker rebellion, get rid of all Communist threats What he did: used force & terror to control Italy, ended free elections/free speech/free press, killed or jailed his enemies

14 Fascism in Germany

15 Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler: (1920) led Nazi Party Third Reich
Said Germans were the best race Third Reich Totalitarian state, ended civil rights, silenced enemies w/force Germany’s standard of living rose Hitler rebuilt military violated Treaty of Versailles Anti-Semitism Blame Jews for all problems Nuremburg Laws of 1935 took away political rights & German citizenship of Jews

16 Why did fascist leaders gain power?
The economies were so poor! People wanted new people in power to help them get out of poverty.

17 Were they good leaders? Both Mussolini & Hitler improved economies
BUT at the cost of personal freedoms & human rights

18 Militarism in Japan (1930’s)
Effects: 1931: attacked Manchuria (China) Anti-western feelings Ended democratic freedoms Causes: Nationalism Desire to expand empire (imperialism) Poverty/unemployment

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