Accelerating the response for children affected by AIDS

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1 Accelerating the response for children affected by AIDS
- Monitoring the Response Inter-Agency Task Team on Children and HIV and AIDS Washington 23, 24 April 2007 Arjan de Wagt UNICEF NYHQ

2 Global Partner Forum 2006 - Recommendations on M&E
Strengthen monitoring and evaluation to improve the accountability and performance of national plans through improving data collection for children. Ensure national monitoring disaggregates by sex and age and includes the core indicators for children affected by HIV and AIDS, and build capacity to ensure information is collected and used to improve practice and to ensure accountability increases around vulnerable children.

3 IATT 2006 tasks for WG M&E Review challenges M&E including:
Challenges with regard to the use of indicators Indicators in Progress Report Comparability between countries in context of universal access Recommendations to the IATT on: M&E National Plans of Action The Progress Report UNAIDS Core Indicators for monitoring Declaration of Commitment and Universal Access

4 What has WG done so far Sharing information and discussing M&E initiatives: Harmonization of UNGASS indicators Draft Coverage Survey results 2006 East and Southern Africa – M&E capacity building workshops Child Status Index OVC Mapping Activity Developing TOR: Share information, strengthening partner collaboration and joint initiatives Estimating numbers of vulnerable children Prepare 2007 Progress Report

5 Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS.
2007 Progress Report– A more complete picture on the response for children affected by AIDS Arjan de Wagt, NYHQ Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS.

6 UNGASS indicators Indicator Definition Epidemic Type Measurement Tool Current school attendance among orphans and non-orphans aged 10–14 All countries Population-based survey; Every 2 yrs, at least every 4-5 yrs Percentage of orphaned and vulnerable children aged 0-17 whose households received free basic external support in caring for the child High HIV-prevalence countries Population-based surveys; Every 4-5 yrs So data only available every 3-5 years 2007 review of UNGASS indicators left the two OVCs indicators as is. Education indicator does not require reporting of ratio

7 Universal Access Indicators
High Level Meeting: “setting, in 2006,…., ambitious national targets …” Core indicators recommended by UNAIDS 1 of 7 core indicators is on external services for. East and Southern Africa as of mid September 2006: 6/20 endorsed UA targets 8/20 expected by the end 2006 6/12 with advanced or final indicators had indicator on OVC support Coverage targets 27% - 100% (Progress Report: Universal Access Target Setting in East and Southern Africa Report to Regional UN HIV and AIDS Team. Prepared by UNAIDS-RST for ESA, 30 October PPT)

8 Some data available % of children orphaned Data for most countries
Orphaned due to AIDS estimates for Africa Planned estimates for other countries Education 44 report on education indicator 27 countries ratio below 95 24 have measured at least twice 15/24 increased ratio of at least 0.5 4/24 drop in ration of at least 0.5 External Support 14 countries reported Coverage between 1% (Senegal) and 95% (Botswana); medium 10%; In 2007 many more DHS and MICS data sets with OVCs module available

9 Ratio of the proportion of orphans attending school to the proportion of non-orphans attending school Data provided by UNICEF based on analysis of DHS, 2007

10 Number of countries with data currently available on two OVC indicators
Region Indicator Orphan school attendance ratio Percent of OVC receiving external support East & South Africa (n=21) 19 10 West Africa (n=24) 17 7 Latin America & the Caribbean (n=36) 5 Central & Eastern Europe/CIS (21) Middle East & North Africa (n=20) 1 East Asia & Pacific (n=27) 2 South Asia (n=8) Total 44

11 Countries with planned or ongoing surveys including OVC modules
Region Country MICS III DHS ESARO Botswana x Ethiopia Kenya Leostho Madagascar Namibia Rwanda Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe WCARO Burkina Faso Central African Republic Congo, DRC Côte d'Ivoire Equatorial Guinea Ghana Guinea-Bissau Mali Niger Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Togo

12 Countries with planned or ongoing surveys including OVC modules …
MICS III DHS EAPRO Lao PDR x Thailand ROSA Bangladesh TACRO Belize Dominican Republic Guyana Haiti Jamaica

13 Monitoring national response
Guidance to Govts, Internal organizations and NGOs Supplements UNGASS indicators 10 core and 7 additional Most through surveys, only efforts index through key informants interview

14 Reporting on progress Progress report on behalf of IATT 15 indicators Conclusion: Amount of data on the response is very limited New report planned end 2007

15 M&E Limitations Data coming from surveys – every 3-5 years
Definitions of OVCs differ: Between countries In countries between partners that provide services Between goals, objectives, targeting criteria, actual service delivery and M&E indicators No standardized service package: difficult to measure, difficult to compare, difficult to contextualize Double counting Counting services does not say anything about impact on children and quality of services

16 Proposed TOR Working Group on M&E – Monitoring Progress
Strengthen national M&E capacity Regional trainings and national follow up National coverage reports based on NPA M&E framework Mapping activity Publish 2007 Progress report children affected by AIDS based on: New DHS / MICS data analysis Efforts index 2007 Coverage survey results 2005 National level NGO coverage data

17 OVC Mapping Activity Goal Outputs Partners
Use (GIS) Geospatial Mapping as a tool for planning, evaluating and monitoring OVC activities and services Outputs GIS Maps showing distribution of OVC, coverage by OVC care providers, distribution of services and GAPS for 14 African countries Resources PEPFAR M&E Data, Census Data, DHS Data, Child and DevInfo Databases, Project data, National data, Vulnerability projections Partners OGAC, USAID, State Dept. DevInfo UN UNICEF BuCen CDC National Statistics Bureaus Univ. North Carolina Constella Futures Group

18 Discussion Is the TOR complete
What else can be done to improve national M&E capacity? Do all national partners provide coverage data? Monitoring national response and publishing at regional and global level What about lower prevalence settings?

19 Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS. Presentation:
Monitoring national responses on children affected by AIDS

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