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Team One Name Team Two Name. Team One Name Team Two Name.

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2 Team One Name Team Two Name

3 Articles of Faith HISTORY Articles of Faith RECITE Articles of Faith MEANING Articles of Faith APPLY Articles of Faith TOPIC Articles of Faith DIFFICULT

4 OOPS. Click Here toContinue. Tip: Don’t use the arrows on the keyboard
OOPS. Click Here toContinue. Tip: Don’t use the arrows on the keyboard. To Navigate the game, click the buttons. Click dollar value on main screen to open questions.

5 OOPS. Click Here toContinue. Tip: Don’t use the arrows on the keyboard
OOPS. Click Here toContinue. Tip: Don’t use the arrows on the keyboard. To Navigate the game, click the buttons. Click dollar value on main screen to open questions.

6 Joseph Smith wrote a letter in 1842 that included the articles of faith. What do we call this letter? The Wentworth Letter Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

7 What standard work contains the articles of faith?
Pearl of Great Price Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

8 Originally, portions of the Wentworth letter were going to be included in the history of what state?
New Hampshire Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

9 Name two things Joseph Smith included in the Wentworth letter.
Articles of faith, Account of the first vision, Description of gold plates, Church history, His prophetic calling, Sketch of the contents of the Book of Mormon Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

10 John Wentworth George Barstow
Two men were involved with requesting information from Joseph Smith. In response, Joseph published the articles of faith. Name one of the men. John Wentworth George Barstow Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

11 Recite the 12th article of faith
12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

12 Recite the 4th article of faith
4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

13 Recite the 8th article of faith
8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

14 Recite the 6th article of faith
6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

15 Recite the 11th article of faith
11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

16 Explain the meaning of the 1st article of faith.
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are deity and are three separate beings. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

17 Explain the meaning of the 2nd article of faith.
Babies are born innocent. We are accountable for our own sins. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

18 Explain the meaning of the 3rd article of faith.
Jesus Christ has saved everyone from sin and death. We must obey Christ’s law. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

19 Explain the meaning of the 7th article of faith.
Heavenly Father has blessed us with many spiritual gifts. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

20 Explain the meaning of the 11th article of faith.
We believe in freedom of religion. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

21 A friend asks you if you believe in God
A friend asks you if you believe in God. What article of faith could you share? 1 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

22 Your history teacher tells the class that Mormons do not believe in the Bible. What article of faith could you share? 8 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

23 Your neighbor is earing a degree to become a preacher
Your neighbor is earing a degree to become a preacher. What article of faith might you think of? 5 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

24 A friend at church is sad because of sins she has committed
A friend at church is sad because of sins she has committed. What article of faith might give her hope? 3 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

25 Visiting your friend’s church, you see a baby being baptized
Visiting your friend’s church, you see a baby being baptized. What article of faith explains that this is unnecessary. 2 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

26 What article of faith includes this main topic: Godhead
1 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

27 What article of faith includes this main topic: Freedom of Religion
11 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

28 What article of faith includes these main topics:
2nd Coming & Millennium 10 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

29 What article of faith includes this main topic: Priesthood Authority
5 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

30 What article of faith includes this main topic: Modern Revelation
9 Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

31 Recite & Explain: AOF 8 8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. The Bible and Book of Mormon are the word of God. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

32 Recite & Explain: AOF 5 5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. A man receives the priesthood by the laying on of hands from someone who has the priesthood. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

33 Recite & Explain: AOF 9 9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. God will continue to reveal truths as he has done in the past. (Modern Revelation) Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

34 Recite & Explain: AOF 6 6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. The LDS Church is not a new Church. It is the same Church Christ established when on the Earth. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

35 Recite & Explain: AOF 12 We are good citizens.
12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. We are good citizens. Note: Red Area on right will be invisible during slide show. When you are ready to play slide show, press F5. Copyright LDS Paper Toys .com

36 OOPS. Click Here toContinue. Tip: Don’t use the arrows on the keyboard
OOPS. Click Here toContinue. Tip: Don’t use the arrows on the keyboard. To Navigate the game, click the buttons. Click dollar value on main screen to open questions.

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