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Manage the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Program
U. S. Army Soldier Support Institute SHOW SLIDE: MANAGE THE DEPLOYMENT CYCLE SUPPORT (DCS) PROGRAM ADMINISTRATIVE DATA: Academic Hours/Methods 0 hr/10 min Introduction 2 hrs / 30 min Conference / Discussion 1 hr Practical Exercise 1 hr Test 0 hr/20 min Test Review 0 hr/10 min Summary 5 hrs / 20 Min Total Hours INTRODUCTION Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Large Group Instruction INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE. NOTE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and indentified reference materials. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current Operational Environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage the students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment, and Time. MOTIVATOR: The Army is dedicated to the safety and well-being of its Active Army (AA) and Reserve Component (RC) Soldiers, Department of the Army (DA) Civilians, and families who have responded in an exemplary manner to the Global War on Terrorism and have clearly answered the Nation’s call to duty. The sacrifices of America’s Army have not gone unnoticed; therefore, the Army is placing greater emphasis on the reconstitution of Soldiers, DA Civilians, and families within the context of the entire deployment cycle. Based on lessons learned from previous deployments, the Army recognizes a critical need for all deploying Soldiers and DA Civilians to be provided the opportunity and a means for personal reconstitution, family reunion/reintegration, and reestablishment of personal readiness. Personal reconstitution for Soldiers is both Commanders’ and Sergeants’ business, and the Army must provide the right tools and training to execute the mission. For the next two hours we will discuss the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Program and how BN and BDE S-1s plays a vital role in the program as units deploy in support of contingency operations. Manage the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Program
Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Manage the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Program. CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment, given access to AR , FM 1-0, student handouts and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARDS: The students will define the basic principles of the DCS program and identify the stages of the DCS program, along with S-1 considerations during each stage. Additionally, students must pass an examination with a minimum score of 70% at the conclusion of instruction. SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Define the Basic Principles of DCS Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 40 mins Media: Large Group Instruction SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DA Form 7566 COMPOSITE RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , NBC Protection, FM , CBRN Decontamination No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment. Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In the event of an electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Everyone is responsible for safety. A thorough risk assessment must be completed prior to every mission or operation. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL: Low ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION: The test for this lesson consists of 20 questions. Students must attain a minimum score of 70% to pass. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN: It is 25 July 2010 and you are preparing for graduation. In a few short hours the graduates begin their way across country and the world to their new duty stations. One officer, in particular, heads to Fort Campbell, KY, where he is assigned to a BDE / BCT S-1 position. As he signs in, the BDE is alerted and begins Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) and mobilization processing for deployment to the Persian Gulf. This officer, less than three weeks out of school, is now the personnel expert for the BDE as he assumes duties as a BDE S-1.
Learning Activities Define the basic principles of DCS.
Identify the stages of DCS and S-1 considerations during each stage. Practical Exercise – Manage the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Program. SHOW SLIDE: LEARNING ACTIVITIES NOTE: Explain to the students that the learning activities are similar to the TLO.
References AR , Personnel Processing (In-, Out-, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization, and Deployment Processing) DA PAM (In-, Out-, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization, and Deployment Processing) FM 1-0, Human Resources Support DCS CONPLAN (2 May 2003) Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Directive and Policy Guidance (26 March 2007) DA Personnel Policy Guidance (PPG) for Overseas Contingency Operations (13 April 2012) DA Form 5123 (June 2003) DA Form (June 2003) DA Form 7425 (January 2006) DA Form 7631 (March 2007) SHOW SLIDE: REFERENCES NOTE: Explain to the students the references that they will use for the lesson.
Acronyms Used ACS / FRG - Army Community Services / Family Readiness Group CLT - Casualty Liaison Team DARTS - Deployment and Reconstitution Tracking Software DCS - Deployment Cycle Support DCIPS-FWD - Defense Casualty Information Processing System Forward DTAS - Deployed Theater Accountability Software JPERSTAT - Joint Personnel Status Report MDMP - Military Decision Making Process METT-TC – Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support Available, Time Available, Civilian Considerations NIPR/SIPR- Non-Classified Internet Protocol Router/ Secret Internet Protocol Router POD - Port of Debarkation POE - Port of Embarkation RSO&I - Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration SRP - Soldier Readiness Program TPS - Tactical Personnel System USR / UMR - Unit Status Report / Unit Manning Report VSAT / CAISI - Very Small Aperture Terminal / Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface SHOW SLIDE: ACRONYMS USED NOTE: Explain that there are many different acronyms used in this presentation and students should become familiar with the acronyms. Refer students to the acronyms listed on the slide.
Background FY02 - Domestic violence incidents on Army installations (11 Jun - 23 Jul 02, Fort Bragg's Domestic violence incidents) – Army G-1 convenes Domestic Violence Task Force. FY03 - G-3 convenes DCS Tiger Team and hands-off DCS responsibilities to G-1. April 03, Army-wide planning conference held at Fort Bragg, NC. May 03, DCS Concept Plan (CONPLAN) is published and execution begins. Sep 03, Army One Source becomes operational and Central Command (CENTCOM) Rest and Recuperation (R&R) Leave program commences. FY04 - Jan 04, G-1 established Disabled Soldier Support System (DS3); on 10 Nov 05, the name was officially changed to the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Mar 04, began staff work and information briefings on reporting requirements for DCS. April to Sep 04, six installation site assistance visits with Forces Command (FORSCOM) G-1s, including Fort Hood, TX, Fort McCoy, WI, Fort Campbell, KY, Fort Carson, CO, Fort Riley, KS, and Fort Drum, NY. SHOW SLIDE: BACKGROUND a. The Secretary of the Army is the driving force to meet Soldiers near term needs, including providing the best quality of life possible for families, while building the Army of the future. The background information below provides some of the reasons that so much emphasis has to be placed on the deployment cycle: (1) FY02 – Domestic violence incidents on Army installations (11 Jun - 23 Jul 02, Fort Bragg's Domestic violence incidents) – Army G-1 convenes Domestic Violence Task Force. (2) FY03 – Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3, formed a DCS Tiger Team to review the effects of stress caused by deployments with the goal to mitigate the adverse effects associated with extended deployments. This review was in direct response to the incidents of domestic violence which had occurred in 2002 following the return of Soldiers from extended deployments to Afghanistan. The Tiger Team identified the requirement to increase the emphasis on successful reintegration of Soldiers, DA Civilians, and families into pre-conflict environments. In Mar 03, the G-3 identified the emerging nature of DCS as a personnel coordination requirement, and responsibility shifted from the G-3 to the G-1. Apr 03, the G-1 held a DCS conference at Fort Bragg, NC, with key staff agencies and Army Command representatives. On 2 May 03, the DCS Concept Plan (CONPLAN) was approved and published, which began the current DCS process. Sep 03, Army One Source becomes operational and Central Command (CENTCOM) Rest and Recuperation (R&R) Leave program commences. (3) FY04 - Jan 04, G-1 established Disabled Soldier Support System (DS3); on 10 Nov 05, the name was officially changed to the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). This program provides severely disabled Soldiers and their families with a system of advocacy and follow on support to assist them as they transition back to military service or into the civilian community. Mar 04, began staff work and information briefings on reporting requirements for DCS. April to Sep 04, six installation site assistance visits with Forces Command (FORSCOM) G-1s, including Fort Hood, TX, Fort McCoy, WI, Fort Campbell, KY, Fort Carson, CO, Fort Riley, KS, and Fort Drum, NY.
What is DCS? DCS is a comprehensive process that ensures Soldiers (AC and RC), DA Civilians, and Army families are better prepared and sustained throughout the deployment cycle. Objective of DCS is to help reduce or eliminate the stressors that contribute to domestic violence, post traumatic stress, and other behavioral stressors caused by a deployment. There are seven stages to the DCS process which support the deployment cycle by emphasizing the human dimension of readiness. The stages, modeled off the force projection process are: Train-up / Preparation. Mobilization. Deployment. Employment. Redeployment. Post-Deployment. Reconstitution. SHOW SLIDE: WHAT IS DCS? b. DCS is a comprehensive process focused on preparing Soldiers (AC and RC), DA Civilians, and Army families for the successful return and reunion of deployed members into their pre-deployment environment. It provides a means to identify Soldiers, DA Civilians, and families who may need assistance with the challenges inherent to extended deployments. c. The objective of DCS is to help reduce or eliminate the stressors that contribute to domestic violence, post traumatic stress, and other behavioral stressors caused by a deployment. d. There are seven stages to the DCS process which support the deployment cycle by emphasizing the human dimension of readiness. The stages, modeled off the force projection process are: (1) Train-up / Preparation. (2) Mobilization. (3) Deployment. (4) Employment. (5) Redeployment. (6) Post-Deployment. (7) Reconstitution. e. The Army’s current focus, as will be discussed later and in the background information discussed earlier, is the redeployment phase or support cycle: transition to post conflict. In order to make the redeployment phase successful, never forget that the actions taken prior to deployment in train-up/preparation and sustainment will make the units’ deployment not only successful but also easier.
DCS Program Mission On order, the Army conducts Redeployment, Post-deployment and Reconstitution Phase personnel operations for all personnel deployed overseas and at CONUS locations with Army units, other service and coalition forces or as individual augmentees in order to reintroduce Army personnel into pre-conflict environments to facilitate reconstitution of families, Soldiers, and deployed civilians’ individual lives, and the force. SHOW SLIDE: DCS PROGRAM MISSION f. As stated earlier, the focus is on the redeployment, post-deployment, and reconstitution phase. The mission facilitates the necessity to reduce the amount of high risk during the reintegration to the pre-conflict environment. DCS CONPLAN, 2 May 2003
DCS Policy Guidance Staff agent for DCS policy is the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1. All Soldiers deployed away from home station for 90 days or more will complete the DCS process. Implementation: DCS operations include Soldiers departing theater on emergency leave, R & R, and medical evacuation. All Soldiers will undergo DSC tasks within the respective phases of the deployment cycle. All levels of command must be involved to ensure DCS tasks are accomplished and documented for all Soldiers, including Army personnel deploying or deployed with other services. The DCS process takes place concurrently for Soldiers at deployed locations, CONUS Replacement Centers (CRC), mobilization (MOB) /demobilization (DEMOB) stations, and at the home station for families. The gaining command is responsible for DCS tasks not completed for newly assigned and returning Soldiers and their families. Both Soldier and DA Civilian family members are authorized and encouraged to attend briefings, training, counseling, and other services identified by the DCS process and participate in follow-up assistance. Services for DA civilians and families are integrated in every stage of the process, and they are highly encouraged to take advantage of the resources provided. DA Civilians deployed overseas and their family members may use Military OneSource services during the period of deployment and for up to 180 days after return to home station. ** SHOW SLIDE: DCS POLICY GUIDANCE g. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, is the staff agent for DCS policy. All Soldiers deployed away from home station for 90 days or more are required to complete the DCS process. Services for DA Civilians and families are integrated in every stage of the process, and they are highly encouraged to take advantage of the resources provided. h. Implementation: (1) DCS operations include Soldiers departing theater on emergency leave, R&R, and medical evacuation. (2) All Soldiers will undergo DSC tasks within the respective phases of the deployment cycle. Commanders are responsible for ensuring Soldiers complete DCS tasks and documentation of tasks. Supporting units, agencies, and staffs must provide necessary assistance to units and/or eligible individuals to accomplish DCS tasks during the appropriate phases of the deployment cycle. (3) All levels of command must be involved to ensure DCS tasks are accomplished and documented for all Soldiers, including Army personnel deploying or deployed with other services. The DCS process takes place concurrently for Soldiers at deployed locations, CONUS Replacement Centers (CRC), mobilization (MOB) / demobilization (DEMOB) stations, and at the home station for families. (4) The gaining command is responsible for DCS tasks not completed for newly assigned and returning Soldiers and their families. (5) IAW AR , para 5-10, family members of DA Civilians are included in Army family programs; therefore, both Soldier and DA Civilian family members are authorized and encouraged to attend briefings, training, counseling, and other services identified by the DCS process and participate in follow-up assistance. (6) DA Civilians deployed overseas and their family members may use Military OneSource services during the period of deployment and for up to 180 days after return to home station. NOTE: Inform the students that the DCS Policy Guidance can be found on the website located at the bottom of the slide.
Why is DCS Important? Enables Soldiers to successfully reintegrate into their pre-deployment environment. Directly affects the Army's recruiting, retention, and readiness efforts. Committed to the well-being of its Soldiers, civilians, and their families. Soldiers and DA Civilians have responded in an exemplary manner to the "call to duty”. SHOW SLIDE : WHY IS DCS IMPORTANT? i. DCS has several reasons why it is important, but most importantly, it enables Soldiers to reintegrate and reunite with the community and their families, which is the focus of the Army. It also has a direct correlation to recruiting, retention, and the readiness of the Army. The more you take care of Soldiers and their families, the more they are willing to stay in the Army, thereby maintaining the Army's strength and knowledge from within the ranks.
Check on Learning Q: What is the first step in the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS)? a. Mobilization b. Deployment c. Employment d. Train-Up/Preparation Q: Who is the staff agent for DCS policies? a. Commanders b. Secretary of the Army c. Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 d. Human Resources Command SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity with the students before proceeding to Learning Activity 2. (End of Learning Activity 1)
Deployment Cycle Support Model
Reality of Overseas Contingency Operations and Force Stabilization Units and Soldiers turn around for subsequent deployment. Meshes training, operational and personnel requirements. Deployment Employment Mobilization Sustainment SHOW SLIDE : DEPLOYMENT CYCLE SUPPORT MODEL 2. Learning Step / Activity 2. Identify the Stages of DCS and S-1 Considerations during each Stage Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 1 hr 20 mins Media: Large Group Instruction The upper left chart on the slide is from FM 3-0, Operations. Force projection extends from mobilization to sustainment operations. The phases are train-up / preparation, mobilization, deployment, employment, redeployment, post-deployment / demobilization, reconstitution, and sustainment operations. Decisions made early in the force projection processes are important to the success of the campaign and will maintain sustainment operations throughout the cycle. The post-deployment and reconstitution phases have been added right after the redeployment phase. (The FM 3-0 chart, does not show these two phases). Pre-Deployment information is available prior to deployment and or mobilization. During deployment and employment, family assistance is provided during contingency deployments. Redeployment, post-deployment, and reconstitution will be discussed in more detail later in this lesson. Demobilization is a process where Soldiers return to the Mobilization station to clear and/or undergo through demobilization procedures; to include redeployment, post- deployment, and reconstitution. Important points to remember are: (1) The DCS process takes place concurrently for Soldiers at deployed locations, CONUS Replacement Centers (CRC), mobilization (MOB) / demobilization (DEMOB) stations, and at the home station for families. (2) That mobilization is part of the cycle; this is where the process starts for Reserve Component (RC) Soldiers when they are alerted and mobilized to support military operations. b. As discussed earlier, the stages of the DCS process which support the deployment cycle by emphasizing the human dimension of readiness are: (1) Train-up / Preparation. (2) Mobilization. (3) Deployment. (4) Employment. (5) Redeployment. (6) Post-Deployment. (7) Reconstitution. NOTE: Tell the students that the next several slides describe each of the seven stages and describe what S-1’s must take into consideration during each stage. Redeployment Train-up / Preparation Current Army DCS personnel operations are focused here Mission Cycle Support Cycle FM 7-0 Post-Deployment / Demobilization Reconstitution Training Cycle
Readiness Cycle Overview
PRM UNIFIED LAND OPERATIONS REDEPLOY DEPLOYMENT & RSOI PRE- EMPLOYMENT MOBILIZATION TRAINING/PREPARATION POST RECONSTITUTION RESET TRAIN/ READY PA SR EPS PIM PA SR EPS PIM PA SR EPS PIM AVAILABLE PA SR EPS PIM 1. HR Support is not done in a vacuum, but in the context of ARFORGEN and DCS 2. This model shows how all three concepts are interrelated: When viewed in light of the four phases of the HR Support Cycle, this model provides us with a clearer understanding of what critical tasks S-1s must perform at all stages of a unit’s readiness cycle. 3. The black band identifies the HR functions that are performed at all times. These functions include PA, SR, PIM, PRM, and EPS. There are times, however when some of these are especially critical, and we will discuss these in more detail. Definition of three cycles: a. HR Support Cycle, which broadly defines the primary HR tasks S1s are responsible for performing throughout the deployment cycle b. ARFORGEN, which is the Army’s conceptual framework that drives unit training and readiness c. Deployment Cycle Support, whose overarching goal is to facilitate Soldier, DA civilian, and Family well-being throughout the deployment cycle. PA SR EPS PIM PRM HR Support Cycle PA SR EPS PIM ARFORGEN DCS Phases PRM Continuous HR Tasks
Train-Up / Preparation
Description of Stage Train-Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Units complete reset actions; begin to enter traditional training cycle. Individual and collective training and readiness activities occur during this stage. DCS tasks consist of personnel administrative actions, briefings, training, counseling, and medical evaluations. SHOW SLIDE: DESCRIPTION OF STAGE (TRAIN-UP / PREPARATION) c. During the first stage of the DCS, units complete reset actions and begin to enter the traditional training cycle. Individual and collective training and readiness activities drive this stage. DCS tasks consisting of personnel administrative actions, briefings, training, counseling, and medical evaluations are completed to ensure all Soldiers, DA Civilians, and their families are prepared for extended deployments. NOTE: Inform the students that each stage will build upon each other so there will be overlap from stage to stage. During each stage, the instructor should discuss how S-1 tasks support DCS and the Soldier’s reintegration and Army readiness. NOTE: Tell the students that various training tools for each stage are available on the DCS Website at
Train-Up / Preparation
S-1 Considerations Train-Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution “Business as Usual” DA Form (In-Processing Personnel Record) and DA Form 5123 (In- and Out-Processing Records Checklist) USR / UMR ACS / FRG SRP: Level 1 MEDPROS Training on Human Resource Systems NCOER / OER Rating Schemes / Social Rosters / Family Care Plans Issue CACs and ID Tags; reset CAC PINs Update Personnel Records (DD Form 93/SGLV Forms) DA Personnel Policy Guidance (PPG) SHOW SLIDE: S-1 CONSIDERATIONS (TRAIN-UP / PREPARATION) d. The sustaining base supports the deployed force in the following areas: Soldier readiness processing, database management (RC only), custody and maintenance of personnel records for Soldiers and Department of Defense (DOD) civilians, family readiness and support, casualty operations management in CONUS. Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR) converted units will be responsible for HR core competencies, to include personnel records. The DA Form (In-Processing Personnel Record) guides a Soldier through the in-processing program and provides a record of the Soldier’s readiness status. Upon completion of in-processing into the assigned unit, a completed DA Form 5123–1 and DA Form 5123 (In- and Out-Processing Records Checklist) will be filed in the Soldier’s Personnel Readiness File at the BN S-1 and/or unit of assignment. A Soldier’s Personnel Readiness File will form the core of the deployment packet when needed and will also be the repository for DA Form 7425, which is completed during annual Soldier readiness processing or when deployment is imminent. The phase is characterized by normal day-to-day operations in the S-1 section, including Essential Personnel Services (EPS) and Manning the Force. NOTE: For each stage of the DCS process, inform the students to refer to Student Handout 1 (Annex A (Deployment Cycle Support Tasks) To The DCS Directive) for a listing of mandatory tasks and other tasks that are to be performed as required. Additionally, remind students that most tasks listed under the Personnel Service Center and DEERS/RAPIDS/ID Cards are now performed by PSDR converted BDE S-1’s. NOTE: Briefly discuss and show Student Handouts 2 and 3 (DA Forms and 5123). Additional information can be located in Chapter 2, AR
Description of Stage Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Units or individuals are alerted for possible deployment and undergo preparation. The mobilization processing requirements (whether for unit or individual activations) are the same as those for an SRP check (Level 1 state of readiness). Like the Train-up / Preparation stage, DCS tasks consist of personnel administrative actions, briefings, training, counseling, and medical evaluations. SHOW SLIDE: DESCRIPTION OF STAGE (MOBILIZATION) During the second stage, units or individuals are alerted for possible deployment and undergo preparation. Mobilization involves assembling and organizing personnel, supplies, and materiel in preparation for war or national emergencies. It is the process through which USAR/ARNG units are brought to a state of readiness, activated, and prepared for deployment. f. The mobilization processing requirements (whether for unit or individual activations) are the same as those for an SRP check (Level 1 state of readiness). DCS tasks under the mobilization stage mirror the tasks in the Train-up / Preparation stage.
S-1 Considerations Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Personnel Estimate (Deployable / Non-deployable / Task Organization) Casualty Estimate MDMP SRP: Level 2 Complete DA Form 7425, Readiness and Deployment Checklist Stop Loss / Stop Move DARTS Training required for deployment Issue Common Access Cards / ID Tags; reset CAC PINs Lautenberg Amendment ACS / FRG information provided Mail Handlers Certification Deployment Orders Update Assignment Eligibility and Availability Codes (AEA) SHOW SLIDE: S-1 CONSIDERATIONS (MOBILIZATION) g. During the mobilization stage, it is imperative that the S-1 is deeply involved with the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP). Estimates in Soldier availability have a critical role in personnel estimates and casualty estimates. h. Pre-deployment activities take place during normal peacetime operations. Based on operational requirements of the supported Area of Operations (AO), Human Resource units are designed, equipped, and trained with force-projection capabilities in mind. During this phase, units conduct collective deployment training to ensure manning and materiel's are sufficient to meet the combatant commander's missions. The units also revise their movement plans to reflect the exact equipment being deployed, and conduct the necessary training to attain the desired mission support capability. The specific HR support functions include screen and cross-level personnel, conduct Soldier Readiness Processing, coordinate with gaining unit HR professional, and prepare an initial manifest. DA Form 7425 (Readiness and Deployment Checklist) is required for SRP checks; it guides Soldiers through the Soldier readiness processing. A copy of the DA Form 7425 (and home-station portions completed) will accompany every deploying Soldier to the deployment station. NOTE: Inform the students that Chapter 5, FM 1-0, summarizes the force-projection process and describes HR activities that occur during force-projection operations and Chapter 4, AR describes the Soldier Readiness Program and Mobilization Processing. NOTE: Pass out Student Handout 4, DA Form 7425, and briefly discuss the form with the students. DA Form 7425 is composed of 10 (X) sections - three pages. The instructions for completing the form are also in the handout (9 pages). Explain to students that agency teams processing Soldiers annotate either NO GO or GO on each item. DA Form 7425 is included in the deployment packet; a copy remains at the losing organization. You can also refer the students to Section II, Personnel, items 1-25 and explain that the instructions on these items/checks are on pages You may explain any particular item in the form, but at least refer them to two items so they can become familiar with the form.
Description of Stage Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Units and individuals deploy from CONUS or OCONUS installations into designated theaters. Four major phases of deployment: Pre-deployment activity Movement to and activities at the POE Movement to the POD RSOI Recurring administrative actions take place during the deployment stage. SHOW SLIDE: DESCRIPTION OF STAGE (DEPLOYMENT) During the deployment stage, units or individuals deploy from the CONUS or OCONUS installations into the designated theater. The deployment process is conducted in four major phases: pre-deployment activity, movement to and activities at the Port of Embarkation (POE), movement to the Port of Debarkation (POD), and Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration (RSOI). The RC mobilization process corresponds to the AC pre-deployment activities and movement to and activities at the POE. Recurring administrative actions are completed during the deployment stage. The key HR support function that must be maintained throughout the RSOI process is accounting for all Army, civilian, contracted Joint, Interagency, and Multi-national (JIM) personnel for which the Army is tasked with accountability. NOTE: For additional information, refer the students to FM 1-0, Chapter 5, Paragraphs 5-14 through 5-22.
S-1 Considerations Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting -- critical HR function during this stage Casualty Reports (DA Form 1156 / DCIPS-FWD) Personnel Accountability Team Operations TPS / DTAS / JPERSTAT Staff Coordination: S-3 / S-4 / Medical Red Cross Messages / Emergency Leaves SHOW SLIDE: S-1 CONSIDERATIONS (DEPLOYMENT) k. The S-1’s key HR support function during this stage is Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting which must be maintained throughout the RSOI process. Additionally, any casualties received during this period are also critical and is a no fail mission during any stage. R5 Operations are there to assist with accountability within a mature theater. The systems commonly used during this stage are the Tactical Personnel System (TPS) and Deployed Theater Accountability Software System (DTAS). The Joint Personnel Status Report (JPERSTAT) is a personnel status report that can be obtained from DTAS. Even as forces start flowing into theater, emergencies arise which produce Red Cross messages and emergency leaves. Knowing the commanders intent and theater policies will greatly assist to have a standard prior to departure.
Description of Stage Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Units or individuals perform their assigned missions in support of the Joint Force Commander for a prescribed period of time. Employment includes a variety of operations - Entry operations (opposed or unopposed) Shaping operations (lethal and non-lethal) Decisive operations Post-conflict operations Tasks include recurring administrative actions and briefings, training, and counseling for Soldiers departing theater on emergency leave, R&R, and medical evacuation. SHOW SLIDE: DESCRIPTION OF STAGE (EMPLOYMENT) l. Units or individuals perform their assigned mission in support of the Joint Force Commander for a prescribed period of time during the employment stage. Employment encompasses a variety of operations including entry operations (opposed or unopposed), shaping operations (lethal and non-lethal), decisive operations, and post-conflict operations. m. Employment stage tasks include recurring administrative actions and briefings, training, and counseling for Soldiers departing theater on emergency--leave, R&R, and medical evacuation. NOTE: Inform students that for those Soldiers not returning to theater, the unit must ensure they are processed through the last three stages.
S-1 Considerations Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting
Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting Casualty Reports (DA Form 1156 / DCIPS-FWD) VSAT / CAISI Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Rest and Recuperation Essential Personnel Services SHOW SLIDE: S-1 CONSIDERATIONS (EMPLOYMENT) n. During the employment stage, Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting (focusing on JPERSTAT) and casualty operations are the two key core competences that are no fail missions and must be maintained. TPS, DTAS, Defense Casualty Information Processing System Forward (DCIPS-FWD), Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), and Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface (CAISI) are enabling systems that will greatly assist in accomplishing the mission. Also critical during this phase, are the services that are provided by the HR team supporting the core competency within EPS. S-1 additional programs, not common during the train up / preparation stage, are new responsibilities to command and control as well as maintain. Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR), Rest and Recuperation (R & R), and pass programs are some of the programs covered under the core competences. However, some programs that may fall on the S-1 not listed in the core competences are Voting Assistance Officer (VAO), Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), and Army Emergency Relief (AER) to name a few. o. Units which have not converted, through PSDR, to the BDE / BCT S-1 centric construct for HR support will have to be placed under the administrative control of converted BDE / BCTs, as area HR support is not available. Special Troop Battalions S-1 sections will support Division / Corps / Army Troops supporting Division / Corps / Army headquarters. This must be identified during the planning process for support of the deploying task force. The Army / ASCC G-1 and HRSC Director ensure HR assets are deployed as determined by METT-TC and consider the nature of the operation, size of the force utilized, maturity of the AOR, availability of in-theater assets, and host nation capabilities. NOTE: For additional information, refer students to FM 1-0, Chapter 5, paragraph 5-23.
Description of Stage Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Units and individuals re-posture in-theater; transfer forces and materiel to support other operational requirements; or return personnel, equipment, and materiel to home or DEMOB station upon completion of the mission. Encompass four phases – Recovery, reconstitution, and pre-redeployment activities Movement to and activities at the POE Movement to the POD Movement to home station Tasks include administrative actions, briefings, training, and counseling for Soldiers departing theater and family members at home station. SHOW SLIDE: DESCRIPTION OF STAGE (REDEPLOYMENT) During the redeployment stage, units and individuals re-posture in-theater; transfer forces and materiel to support other operational requirements; or return personnel, equipment, and materiel to the home station or DEMOB station. The redeployment stage continues the process of reintegrating Soldiers and DA Civilians into their pre-deployment environments. (Select DCS actions to be completed in this phase are found in ANNEX A). The redeployment stage encompasses four phases: recovery, reconstitution, and pre-redeployment activities, movement to and activities at the POE, movement to the POD, and movement to home station. q. Tasks included in this stage are administrative actions, briefings, training, and counseling for Soldiers and DA Civilians departing theater and family members at home station. NOTE: For additional information, refer students to DCS CONPLAN 02 May 03; paragraph 5d and ANNEX A.
S-1 Considerations Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting
Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting Casualty Reports (DA Form 1156 / DCIPS-FWD) Awards (Unit / Individual) Update Personnel Records (DD Form 93/SGLV Forms) NCOERs / OERs Update Personnel Tempo Redeployment Roster Homecoming Activities Complete all required RC Line of Duty (LOD) actions Initiate DA Form 7631, DCS Checklist Provide support to the S-3 for Relief in Place/Transfer of Authority (RIP/TOA) with incoming S-1 In coordination with the S-4, transfer S-1 Theater Provided Equipment (TPE) to the incoming unit’s organizational property book SHOW SLIDE: S-1 CONSIDERATIONS (REDEPLOYMENT) r. Although the S-1 has many important considerations during the redeployment stage, personnel accountability still remains as the key function in this stage and must be maintained. Another important task which is critical to a successful deployment is preparing for the train-up of incoming S-1 personnel and providing Relief in Place/Transfer of Authority (RIP/TOA) ceremony support with the incoming unit. Additionally, S-1s should prepare for the transfer of Stay Behind Equipment (SBE) to the incoming unit’s organizational property book. NOTE: Refer students to Student Handout 5, DA Form 7631, Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Checklist, as it contains a listing of mandatory tasks and other tasks that are to be performed as required. s. DCS redeployment stage tasks for Soldiers and DA Civilians should be accomplished in theater. Commanders are responsible to ensure those tasks not completed in the redeployment stage are completed in the post-deployment stage. All individuals departing theater will have a DA Form 7631, DCS Checklist, in their possession. Section II of the form contains theater requirements which all personnel will perform; these tasks normally fall under the S-1. Section III through Section V contains bolded sections of the personnel responsible to complete the tasks (i. e., The commander will complete risk reduction, plan and coordinate reunion/homecoming activities, initiate OERs/NCOERs, etc.). When following the form, each section contains tasks that should be accomplished during each phase, but Soldiers are not held back to accomplish all of the tasks listed during each phase. However, the tasks must be completed. When all of the tasks are complete, the commander must validate the form. The first page of the form contains the commander‘s acknowledgement (Part C) and DCS validation (Part D). NOTE: Inform the students that Annex C of the DCS Directive contains an example of a Commander’s Validation Memorandum which is signed by the commander certifying the Soldier has completed the required DCS redeployment tasks IAW the DCS Directive. NOTE: Inform the students that in general, Soldiers are not held in-theater to conduct all tasks if required transportation is available. However, much emphasis is placed on the completion of all tasks by the R5 teams who require commander’s verification prior to Soldiers departing. S-1s are often tasked to consolidate checklists and verify for commander’s against manifest rosters. t. Effective two-way communications between commanders in-theater and the Rear Detachments are essential. Redeployment rosters and itineraries must be exchanged. Rear Detachments must have the opportunity to contact and communicate the travel plans to families. Leaders in-theater must also be alerted to the potential for any significant problems which my await Soldiers on their return. In addition to theater redeployment activities, DCS identifies tasks to be accomplished at home station. The successful reunion of families depends on proper preparation, including briefings, training, and counseling for spouse and family members. Reception activities (e. g., parades and picnics) should occur for redeploying Soldiers and DA Civilians. FRGs, community agencies, and employers should participate. NOTE: For additional information, refer students to FM 1-0, Chapter 5, Paragraphs 5-25 and 5-29.
Description of Stage Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Begins with personnel, equipment, and materiel arriving at Home Station, CRC, or Demobilization Station. Phase ends with release from recovery mission (AC) or arrival at Home Station (RC). Complete individual redeployment and demobilization processing (reverse SRP, medical screening, DCS process) during this phase. Demobilization (RC) begins with personnel recovery at the POD and ends with recovery at Home Station. Units conduct equipment recovery at POD ending with rearm / refuel / refit at Home Station. The post-deployment stage consists of administrative actions, briefings, training, counseling, and medical evaluations to facilitate the successful reintegration of Soldiers and DA Civilians into their families and communities. SHOW SLIDE: DESCRIPTION OF STAGE (POST DEPLOYMENT / DEMOBILIZATION) This stage begins with personnel, equipment, and materiel arriving at home station, CRC, or DEMBO station. This phase ends with release from recovery mission (AC) or arrival at Home Station (RC). For individual redeployment and demobilization processing (reverse SRP, medical screening, and DCS process) will be completed during this phase. (DCS actions to be completed in this phase are found in ANNEX B of the DCS CONPLAN). Demobilization (RC) begins with personnel recovery at the POD and ends with recovery at home station. Units conduct equipment recovery at the POD and end with rearm, refuel, and refit at home station. The post- deployment stage consists of administrative actions, briefings, training, counseling, and medical evaluations to facilitate the successful reintegration of Soldiers and DA Civilians into their families and communities. NOTE: For additional information, refer students to DCS CONPLAN 02 May 03; paragraph 5e and ANNEX B.
S-1 Considerations Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting
Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting Leave schedules Homecoming ceremonies Complete investigations (LODs) Complete NCOERs / OERs Conduct Safety Briefings Utilize DA Form 7631 for planning purposes SHOW SLIDE: S-1 CONSIDERATIONS (POST DEPLOYMENT / DEMOBILIZATION) v. Rear Detachment Commander (RDC) provides updated manifest to key local agencies and identifies potential home station issues and notifies the incoming commander. Key note here is that S-1s must maintain accountability in this phase. By using DA Form 7631, DCS Checklist, the S-1 and commanders can plan for leave schedules, homecoming ceremonies, that investigations are complete, evaluation reports are complete, and safety briefings are planned prior to arrival of the unit and conducted prior to Soldiers departing on leaves/passes.
Description of Stage Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Begins at Home Station with the recovery of equipment, completion of administrative requirements, continuation of Soldier reconstitution, reintegration with family, and civilian jobs (RC). Preparations begin for future deployment missions. DCS activities include family readiness, reintegration of Soldiers into families and communities, equipment maintenance, and Soldier readiness. Continue as the unit / individuals prepare to begin collective / unit training. Phase ends when units have achieved sufficient reconstituted state to allow for the beginning of collective / unit training. Administrative actions, briefings, training, counseling, and medical evaluations are completed during this stage. SHOW SLIDE: DESCRIPTION OF STAGE (RECONSTITUTION) The reconstitution phase begins at home station with the recovery of equipment, completion of administrative requirements, continuation of Soldier reconstitution, reintegration with family, and civilian jobs (RC). Preparations begin for future deployment missions. DCS activities include family readiness, reintegration of Soldiers into families and communities, equipment maintenance, and Soldier readiness. (DCS actions to be completed in this phase are found in ANNEX C). These continue as the unit / individuals prepare to begin collective / unit training. This phase ends when units have achieved sufficient reconstituted state as to allow for the beginning of collective / unit training. Administrative actions, briefings, training, counseling, and medical evaluations are completed during this stage. NOTE: For additional information, refer students to DCS CONPLAN 02 May 03; Paragraph 5f and ANNEX C.
S-1 Considerations All tasks on DA Form 7631 are complete
Train Up / Sustainment Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution All tasks on DA Form 7631 are complete Finalize counseling’s Permanent Change of Station: Officer / Enlisted Expiration Term of Service / Retirement Conduct thorough AAR/Lessons Learned to use for future deployments SHOW SLIDE: S-1 CONSIDERATIONS (RECONSTITUTION) x. During the reconstitution phase, S-1s complete reception activities for every Soldier and all tasks on DA Form 7631, DCS Checklist, are completed. Time off, leave and passes, and a predictable schedule are key enablers for Soldiers and their families. Some considerations that have an affect of manning the force are permanent change of station (PCS), expiration term of service (ETS), and retirement of both officer and enlisted. Another critical enabler that will assist S-1s in future deployments is a thorough AAR to capture valuable lessons learned.
S-1 Correlation Mission Cycle: Conflict
Casualty Reports (DA Form 1156 / DCIPS-FWD) R5 Operations (RSO&I) TPS / DTAS / JPERSTAT Postal Operations VSAT / CAISI CLTs MWR Mission Cycle: Conflict Redeployment Support Cycle: Transition to Post Conflict Employment Agencies: DA Form 7631 (DCS Checklist) Awards (Unit / Individual) NCOER / OER Officer / NCO moves S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, Chaplain, ACS, FRG, Legal, Medical (Vision), Dental, and Finance Post Deployment / Demobilization SHOW SLIDE: S-1 CORRELATION y. HR core competencies are the foundation on which HR support is based and are in every aspect of the DCS cycle. However, additional tasks are listed in the diagram which S-1s must consider as well during the cycle. The more S-1s can accomplish during the Training Cycle, the more successful the Mission and Support Cycles will be. The DCS process begins when a Soldier first arrives and departs a unit. As mentioned earlier, the two initial forms that must be completed which serve as checklists of a newly arrived Soldier are DA Form (In-Processing Personnel Record) and DA Form 5123 (In- and Out-Processing Records Checklist). A Soldier’s Personnel Readiness File will form the core of the deployment packet when needed and will also be the repository for DA Form 7425, which is completed during annual Soldier readiness processing or when deployment is imminent. z. The MDMP, personnel estimate, and casualty estimate (part of the core competency HR Planning and Staff Operations) are classes that you will receive during the MDMP and personnel planning block of instruction and are critical to the success of the mission. The agencies, listed in the middle, are a vital link to the success of the program and are considered as well as coordinated during each phase. Commanders must enforce the program for two reasons. First, to ensure that Soldiers and their families are properly taken care of throughout the cycle, and second, to reinforce the importance of the program. Deployment Commanders are critical to the success of the DCS Program Reconstitution Mobilization Train Up / Sustainment SRP: Level 2 DA Form 7425 Stop Loss / Stop Move DARTS Personnel Estimate Casualty Estimate MDMP SRP: Level 1 MEDPROS Train DA Form DA Form 5123 USR / UMR FRG Training Cycle: Pre Conflict
Check on Learning Q: According to the DCS Model, where does the DCS process begin when Reserve Component (RC) Soldiers are alerted and mobilized to support military operations? a. Deployment Stage b. Mobilization Stage c. Redeployment Stage d. Reconstitution Stage Q: Which of the following is NOT a stage in the DCS Process? a. Mobilization b. Redeployment c. Pre-Deployment d. Post-Deployment Q: What is the S-1’s key critical HR function during the Deployment stage? a. Strength Reporting b. Personnel Accountability c. Soldier Readiness Processing d. All of the above e. Both a and b SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity with the students before proceeding to Learning Activity 3. (End of Learning Activity 2)
DCS Program Resources Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Process: DCS Directive Deployment Cycle Support Checklist DCS Stages DCS related ALARACTs Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (PTSD/MTBI) Chain Teaching Program Briefings and resources for each stage Well-Being Policies and Procedures: The U. S. Army MWR website: AW2: U. S. Army Wounded Warrior Program: (Follow links - Featured content; Wounded Soldiers; AW2 Info; Program Overview) Contact the Deployment Cycle Support Team at FAX: (703) ; DSN: ; or by mail at Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, DAPE-HRI (Deployment Cycle Support - DCS), 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC SHOW SLIDE: DCS PROGRAM RESOURCES The DCS Program related training tools and additional information are located at the following websites: - Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Process: - DCS Directive - Deployment Cycle Support Checklist - DCS Stages - DCS related ALARACTs - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (PTSD/MTBI) Chain Teaching Program - Briefings and resources for each stage - Well-Being Policies and Procedures: - The U. S. Army MWR website: - AW2: U. S. Army Wounded Warrior Program: (Follow links - Featured content; Wounded Soldiers; AW2 Info; Program Overview) - Contact the Deployment Cycle Support Team at FAX: (703) ; DSN: ; or by mail at Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, DAPE-HRI (Deployment Cycle Support - DCS), 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC
Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Manage the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Program. CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment given access to AR , FM 1-0, student handouts, a practical Exercise and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARDS: The students will define the basic principles of the DCS program and identify the stages of the DCS program, along with S-1 considerations during each stage. Additionally, students must pass an examination with a minimum score of 70% at the conclusion of instruction. SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Inform students of the following Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) requirements. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. 3. Learning Step / Activity 3. Practical Exercise Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 1 hr Media: Individual, Self-Paced Instruction 4. Learning Step / Activity 4. Practical Exercise Review Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Time of Instruction: 20 mins Media: Large Group Instruction 5. Learning Step / Activity 5. Test Method of Instruction: Test 6. Learning Step / Activity 6. Test Review Method of Instruction: Test Review SUMMARY Time of Instruction: 10 mins During this block of instruction, the Deployment Cycle Support Program was discussed. DCS is a commander’s program that establishes an Army-Wide Standard; therefore, commanders must implement the DCS Program and develop plans. The key element of DCS is the reestablishment of Soldier readiness to include personnel readiness, deployment readiness, and family readiness. The S-1 and HR team has a vital role as units deploy in support of Contingency Operations (global war on terrorism missions, support for peace operations, humanitarian assistance, and non-combatant evacuations (international disaster relief, etc.). The S-1 must be able to conduct force projection, anywhere in the world for both the AC and RC, to include a mix of forces that are organized, trained, equipped, and poised to respond quickly as a rapid response to a crisis. Commanders will expect BN and BDE S-1s to handle personnel issues and the more emphasis the S-1 places on the train-up / preparation and mobilization phases, the more successful the deployment and redeployment cycle will be. As discussed earlier in the lesson, the objective of the DCS Program is to help reduce or eliminate the stressors that contribute to domestic violence, post traumatic stress, and other behavioral stressors caused by deployment. Fully understanding the DCS objective will help prepare Soldiers, DA Civilians, and Army families for the successful return and reunion of deployed members into their pre-deployment environment. FEEDBACK: Feedback is essential to effective learning. Schedule and provide feedback on the evaluation and any information to help answer students' questions about the test. Provide remedial training as needed. NOTE: Open a forum for students to ask questions.
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