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Eschew: verb definition: to abstain or keep away from shun avoid.

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Presentation on theme: "Eschew: verb definition: to abstain or keep away from shun avoid."— Presentation transcript:

1 eschew: verb definition: to abstain or keep away from shun avoid

2 eschew pronunciation: es-choo

3 eschew related forms: noun eschewer eschewal

4 eschew synonyms: shun avoid abstain circumvent boycott forgo

5 eschew Eschewing greasy, fatty, and sugary
foods will contribute to good health.

6 eschew According to a recent study, parents should insist that their young children eschew the use of digital resources.

7 eschewed Distracted driving should be eschewed.

8 eschew Dieters would be wise to eschew appetizers and desserts.

9 eschew The Pennsylvania Dutch eschew modern advancements in favor of a simpler existence.

10 eschewer He was an eschewer of evil and a doer of good.

11 eschewal Kanye West’s eschewal of the paparazzi is well known.

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