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Favorable to or promoting health; healthful definition:

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Presentation on theme: "Favorable to or promoting health; healthful definition:"— Presentation transcript:

1 favorable to or promoting health; healthful definition:

2 pronunciation: suh-loo-bree-uhs

3 related forms: noun nounsalubriousness adverb adverbsalubriously

4 synonymsinvigoratingbeneficialwholesomesalutaryhealthyhealthfulrestorative

5 Bean sprouts can be the foundation of a salubrious meal.

6 The family thrived in the salubrious climate.

7 The salubrious benefits of meditation can be enjoyed at any age.

8 These mountains are renown for their salubrious climate and stunning scenery.

9 A salubrious life begins with regular exercise.

10 salubriousness: noun Salubriousness is a state of mind.

11 Eating salubriously is essential to good health.

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