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1 PART 2

2 Détente, Nixon and the 1970’s
Essential Question: How did the policies of President Nixon affect the nation?

3 Detente Flexible diplomacy adopted by Nixon that sought to ease tensions between the U.S. , the U.S.S.R, and China

4 The War Powers Act of 1973 Passed in response to concern regarding Nixon and Johnson taking too much military authority from Congress

5 The Women’s Movement “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan
Brought to light the lack of opportunity and fulfillment for housewives NOW: National Organization of Women

6 Roe Vs. Wade 1973: Upheld a woman’s right to an abortion.

7 United Farm Workers Brought to light the issues facing Hispanic Americans and migrant workers Influenced by the Civil Rights movement Led by Caesar Chavez

8 The Environmental Protection Act (1970)
Created to protect the environmental resources of the United States

9 SALT I 1972 treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union that froze the deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles and placed limits on antiballistic missiles

10 Watergate Scandal 1974 Political scandal involving an illegal break in of the Watergate hotel that ultimately led to the resignation of President Nixon

11 Camp David Accords President Jimmy Carter brings Egypt and Israel together for a Peace agreement over the Sinai Peninsula

12 Iran Hostage Crisis After the Ayatollah Khomeini took control of Iran, he encouraged violence which led to more than 60 American diplomats being held hostage for 444 days.

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