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Team Performance, Project Performance

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1 Team Performance, Project Performance

2 Objectives for this session:
Learn how to use the Four Conversations for Team and Project Performance See ways to: Use Understanding dialogues to create Game Plans, Relations, and Roles to boost your team’s performance Use Performance and Closure conversations to play and win

3 The Four Conversations
CLOSURE / COMPLETION Complete the past Acknowledge facts: What, When, Why Appreciate people: Who, Where, How Apologize for mistakes Amend broken agreements INITIATIVE / INTENTION / CONTEXT Propose a future: What do you want When do you want it Why does it matter PERFORMANCE / AGREEMENT Requests + Promises = Agreement What will you do When will you do it Why is it important Who is involved Where are resources and results How will you do it UNDERSTANDING / DIALOGUE Align on a future: Relationship / Creative problem solving How will it get done

4 How Projects Happen

5 The Romance of the Team A group engaged in reaching a common objective
Shared spirit Shared energy Shared goals A promise to assist one another

6 A Poll of 23,000 Employees from Steven Covey’s book, “The 8th Habit”
63% do not understand what their organization is trying to achieve and why 80% do not have a clear “line of sight” between their tasks and their team’s and organization’s goals

7 Oh Yeah. Team. Big Whoop. 80% are not enthusiastic about their team’s and their organization’s goals

8 Let’s Blame the People The Tiresome: Unpredictable about keeping promises or commitments, they don’t treat deadlines seriously The Bummer: Persistent and negative attitude and/or distracting interactions in the workplace The Clueless: No planning, they don’t ask for resources and don’t manage resources when they arrive

9 Let’s Blame the Management
The No-Manager Manager: Doesn’t set goals or track progress Doesn’t give guidance - thinks people should “know their jobs” Has long sloppy meetings or none at all Doesn’t do performance reviews, they’re a waste of time

10 Let’s Blame the System “Unrealistic” demands
Metrics that don’t mean anything Budgets that are never enough Timelines that are unreal

11 Initiative Conversations
Really, What’s Missing? A GOAL - What we want to accomplish A SCHEDULE – When: A calendar and clock for timelines and due dates The VALUE - Why it is worth doing In other words, A GAME. Initiative Conversations announce a game.

12 Initiative: Announce the Game
The Initiative: What we want. When we want it. Why it matters. Talk it up, everywhere and often.

13 Understanding Conversations: Define the Game
WHO – Relations: The people and groups vital to your success = Hierarchy vs. Performance WHERE – Deliverables: Senders, Receivers = your Performance Network HOW– The Work: Tasks and stages, rules and roles = the agreements for working together Understanding conversations help each participant learn how to play and how to win.

14 Understanding WHO: The Hierarchy
Boxes = People doing tasks & processes, using resources, and producing results Lines = Authority Relationships

15 Understanding WHO: A Performance Network
Boxes = Same as hierarchy: People doing tasks & processes, using resources, and producing results Lines = Arrows = Deliverables & Work Products Products Services Communications

16 Understanding WHO: Your Performance Circle
The people and groups vital to your success Draw your Performance Circle

17 Bring Performance Circle to Life
Confirm all Players: Users, Partners, Authorities, Suppliers, Support Specify all Deliverables between all key Players Align on Measures for Deliverables

18 A. Confirm ALL Players Identify all the BOXES in your map: Individuals and Groups using resources, doing work, producing results Confirm the participation of each User, Partner, Authority, Supplier, and Support person or group Learn something about their functions and skill sets, and their success measures, allies, and resources

19 B. Specify all Deliverables
What results will be delivered at the end of your project? What work products and sub- deliverables will be required? From you to other Players From all Players to you Between other Players, related to your success For each Deliverable: Who is the Sender? Who is the Receiver?

20 C. Align on Measures Performance means measures.
You need a scoreboard – or nobody will play. Choosing measures is a complex discussion.

21 Variety of Measures: One Hospital’s “Performance”
Financial performance – bottom line Clinical performance – health statistics Operational performance – departments & functions Patient satisfaction Physician satisfaction Staff satisfaction Accreditation Information Systems performance - reporting Community performance – public evaluation

22 Types of Performance Measures

23 Efficiency Measures The number of hours people are working
The number of items they process The amount of time to complete a process The backlog of work remaining to be done

24 Types of Performance Measures

25 Productivity Measures
Output Quantity: # Products / day, week # Services / day, week # Communications sent Output Quality: % Outputs that meet standards Error rate, # Defects # Items needing Rework

26 Types of Performance Measures

27 Effectiveness Measures
Customer Satisfaction Did they like it? Did they complain about it? Customer Impact Did it work for them? Did they improve their performance measures?

28 Understanding Conversations Define the Game
WHO – Relations: The people and groups vital to your success = your Performance Circle WHERE – Deliverables: Senders, Receivers = your Performance Network HOW– The Work: Tasks and stages, rules and roles = the agreements for working together

29 Understanding WHERE: Performance Network
Establish Agreements: Where will resources come from? Where will results go to? ARROWS = DELIVERABLES

30 Tips on “The Arrows” The agreements and deliverables are on the Arrows: Products, Services, and Communications + Conversations Most managers pay attention to what’s INSIDE the boxes: People, Tasks, and Activities. Team and project performance requires the deliverable must be “senior to” the boxes. Watch the agreements.

31 WHERE: Establish Agreements for Success
Performance Conversations Make requests, promises, and agreements with each Player to convert “expectations” and “tasks” into measurable agreements for Deliverables Confirm deliverable requirements: quantity, quality, timing, requirements for success Confirm resource requirements for all deliverables and agreements

32 1. Deliverable Agreement

33 2. Additional Delivery Agreement

34 3. Approval Agreement

35 4. Supplier Agreement

36 5. Order Management Agreement

37 6. Monitoring Agreement

38 Agreements: Opportunity for Integrity
Agreements are not authority relationships Sender & Receiver work together to spell out the deliverable’s details Identify potential breakdowns in successful delivery Repair broken agreements Follow up even when you think you shouldn’t have to BUILD INTEGRITY

39 Understanding Conversations Create the Game
WHO – Relations: The people and groups vital to your success = your Performance Circle WHERE – Deliverables: Senders, Receivers = your Performance Network HOW– Design and manage the agreements for working together: Practices, Tasks, and Roles

40 HOW: Performance Practices, 1
For this team, we agree to: Have meetings with agendas Use a scoreboard that includes all accountabilities Keep a visible display of measurable results Track activities, outputs, and impacts as appropriate Have Closure conversations on all agreements

41 Performance Practices, 2
TIP – Further, we agree to: Use one Master Calendar to schedule deliverable dates and assignments Assign an individual to be accountable for each deliverable Have individuals schedule work on their personal calendar to support success on the Master Calendar We will schedule the work periods, not just the deadlines Make clear requests and clear promises Say “No” when we’re going to “Do No”

42 Performance Practices, 3
Sample Standard Meeting Agenda Initiative – Remind us of the Game we’re playing: What, When, Why Closure – Scoreboard: status of deliverables and agreements. Feedback: What’s working, what’s not, what’s needed. Update Agreements. Understanding – Dialogue re: results, roles, and responsibilities Performance – New requests, promises, agreements Closure – Acknowledge accomplishment, Appreciate the people

43 HOW: Tasks, Steps, & Stages, 1
Brainstorm everything that needs to be done to accomplish the goal: Tasks and activities Project status tracking Team communication External communication Align on steps and stages of activity, results, and deliverables

44 Tasks, Steps, and Stages, 2 Define all work products and deliverables:
Services Communications Identify resources of all kinds Use a timeline for steps and post it on the Master Calendar

45 HOW: Roles - Who Does What?
THREE KEY ROLES People who will be accountable for deliverables People who will manage the arrows between Team and Users, Suppliers, etc. People who will manage and support Team coordination, including agreements, results, and scoreboards

46 Roles: Assignments Discuss and select the assignment of individuals and groups to roles and responsibilities. Establish agreements on what each role will produce – work products, services, and communications

47 Roles: Establish the Value Connection
Each position has a clear view of what success looks like They know what to do and what to produce They know how to win Each position contributes to the goal on the scoreboard

48 HOW: Manage the Arrows…
… more than the boxes. Manage agreements: promises, schedules, due dates Maintain performance and closure communication. Ongoing: refine agreements for deliverables.

49 You Can Draw – and Manage – Your Performance Network

50 Understanding Conversations Define the Game
WHO – Performance Relations Confirm all Players Specify all Deliverables Align on Measures WHERE – Resources, Results, Deliverables Performance Map: Establish Agreements for Success HOW – Design & Manage Agreements for Working Together Performance Practices: Agreements within the “team” Tasks, Steps, and Stages: Work, Work Products, Timeline Roles, Assignments, and the Value Connection Manage the Arrows in Your Performance Network

51 Performance and Closure Conversations
Play the Game Team performance happens with good requests, good promises, and clear agreements For all Players on the team With all Players in the Performance network Keep track of what deliverables you – and they – owe, and when Focus on deliverables: the Receiver is the judge The Game = Performance and Closure Conversations

52 Team Momentum Performance accelerates with high use of closure conversations Acknowledge facts Appreciate people Apologize for mistakes Amend broken agreements Keep momentum high and maintain good relationships

53 Dealing with problems, slowdowns, and breakdowns
Get specific What happened? What specific action was taken – or not taken – that produced the unexpected results? When – is there a problem of timing or scheduling? Why – does this situation affect other things, people, projects? Who else is involved, either in creating the situation or being affected by it? Where is attention needed? How can the situation be remedied? Create scenarios, decisions, options.

54 Dealing with problems, slowdowns, and breakdowns
Get into communication with people who can: Help clarify the situation and possible remedies Help get things back on track or back on schedule Work with others to identify their consequences (from the situation) and contributions (to the remedy) Marshal the necessary resources and coordinate actions and communications Help make decisions on scenarios, decisions, and options Use all Four Conversations. With lots of Closure ones.

55 Build Team Accountability & Integrity
Treat the measures as if they’re important Talk straight. Be a grownup, hold others to account, follow up. Use your Team meetings to reinforce accountability and integrity – don’t step over anything.

56 Tips for Using the Four Conversations in Teams
Improve their performance: “Interrogate” excuses (Closure) Complete the past with difficult people: Acknowledge them (Closure) Pull teams together: Remind people of the goal (Initiative), Clarify roles and responsibilities (Understanding) Turn complaints into action (Performance) or quash them (Closure) Deal with breakdowns: Don’t allow bummer-buildup (Closure)

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