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VOCA Funding Performance Measures.

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1 VOCA Funding Performance Measures

2 Webinar Controls All participants are muted.
“Raise hand” to be recognized to speak. Use “Chat” on control panel for comments or questions. Webinar is being recorded with restricted posting on the NAVAA “Members’ Only” website.

3 Exciting opportunities…many challenges
Increased VOCA funding Revised data collection/performance measures New VOCA assistance regulations State administrative changes

4 What we know… What we don’t know …
The FY15 VOCA cap will increase from $745 million to $2.361 billion. What we don’t know … Why this was done or who was behind it. Will this be a one-time windfall or the “new normal?” Exactly when States will actually know how much your FY15 grants will be or when they will be awarded.

5 What we know… Within 45 days, OVC must submit a report on plans to increase oversight by requiring victim assistance grant recipients to certify their 501(c)(3) status and make financial statements publicly available online. (early February) The DOJ Inspector General is given $10 million “for increased oversight and auditing activities associated with the anticipated in both funds available and in the number of grant recipients. DOJ must submit a spending plan to Congressional committees (including OJP M&A).

6 What we think we know… What we know…
FY 15 state assistance grants are likely to be about 4 times the FY 14 grants. States will hopefully have grants by March or April. What we know… State administrative/training funds will remain at 5 percent but at 4 times the amount. Increased subgrant monitoring. Increase training needs. Increased grant management system capacity. Will States hire additional staff?

7 What we know… States have year of the award plus three to expend each grant. How States manage VOCA grants: About 40% award full amount every year. Half hold back some grant funds to maintain a reserve to stabilize funding. Manage multiple federal grants: Over half are managing three federal grants simultaneously. One-third are managing two federal grants simultaneously. About 20% are managing one federal grant.

8 What we might think about…
Expand capacity of current or new subgrantees/. More direct service staff. Training/Qualifications? One-time, non-recurring projects Technology (equipment, software) Infrastructure (repair, replacement, equipment, furniture, vehicles) Individual State survey responses Additional Match OVC can waive on a case-by-case basis. Avoid deobligations


10 VOCA Assistance PMT

11 Performance Measures…
“The issues of cost and timing are real. This is why OVC has stated on numerous occasions that you will be reporting the same set of data starting on January 1st (or possibly later) but just into a new data system on which you and your staff will be trained.” Time and cost to the state and subgrantees to modify current data collection systems Why require quarterly reporting? Time needed for training. Diversion from providing services. Usefulness/validity of the data.

12 Common comments… One-size doesn’t fit all types of agencies, services, victims. Conform to other funders (VAWA, FVPSA). What is the relevance or how will information be used? Unclear whether questions are for State and/or subgrantees. Who determines what is evidence-based? Target behaviors too difficult/inappropriate to measure. Some questions are too intrusive/offensive to ask victims. Some activities not eligible for VOCA funding. Takes too much time away from serving victims. Will require changes to data collection systems (time and cost)

13 Revised PMT… Subgrantee Award Information (SARS)
Population Demographics Performance measures Direct Services Evidence-based programs or practices Outcomes Target behaviors Education and Coordination Activities Quarterly Reported Narratives Grantee Questions Annually Reported Narrative Questions

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