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Chapter 1.

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1 Chapter 1

2 1. In order to be considered scientific an explanation must be:
A. based on observation of the natural world. B. able to be tested. C. completely proven. D. A & B. E. A, B, & C.

3 2. The principle of uniformitarianism is summarized as:
A. the present is the key to the future. B. the future is the key to the past. C. the present is the key to the past. D. the past is the key to the present.

4 3. The highest point on Earth is ___ above sea level.
A m B m C m D. 11,030 m

5 4. The deepest point on Earth is ___ below sea level.
A m B m C m D. 11,030 m

6 6. Most of Earth is: solid. liquid. lava. magma.

7 7. Which is the densest layer of Earth?
A. core B. mantle C. crust

8 8. Why is the inner core frozen solid whereas the outer core is liquid?
It is colder in the inner core. Pressure is higher in the inner core. Pressure is lower in the inner core. There is less iron in the inner core.

9 9. Which layer(s) of the Earth are mainly made up of silicon and oxygen?
crust mantle core A & B A, B, & C

10 10. Which layer of the earth contains most of the iron in the planet?
crust mantle core

11 11. What data help geologists understand Earth’s interior?
seismic waves meteorites experimental work with high pressure All of the above.

12 12. What is the main source of energy driving plate tectonics and the geodynamo?
solar energy radioactive decay remnants of original heat from Earth formation B and C

13 13. What is the main source of energy driving the climate system?
solar energy radioactive decay remnants of original heat from Earth formation B and C

14 14. True or False: Climate and weather are synonymous.
A. True B. False

15 15. The ___ system incorporates the interactions between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere. geodynamo plate tectonics climate weather

16 16. Which of the following sources of CO2 can cause changes in the climate system?
anthropogenic introduction of greenhouse gases volcanic eruptions weathering of silicate rocks All of the above.

17 17. The lithosphere is made up of which compositional layers?
crust crust and mantle mantle mantle and core core

18 18. The asthenosphere is made up of which compositional layers?
crust crust and mantle mantle mantle and core core

19 19. How is Earth’s magnetic field formed?
convection of the mantle convection of the outer core convection of the inner core All of the above.

20 20. Animals with fossil records have lived on Earth for what percent of Earth’s history?
12% 50% 75% 88%

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