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Descriptive Language Conciseness Adding and Deleting Information

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1 Descriptive Language Conciseness Adding and Deleting Information
Revising Descriptive Language Conciseness Adding and Deleting Information

2 Assignment 1. Fold a sheet of paper in half like a hamburger.
2. Write one paragraph describing your bedroom (or someone’s you know) at its messiest. 3. Make a list of 10 things you touch, taste, see, hear, or feel in this bedroom. 4. Using the bottom half of your paper, rewrite your original paragraph to include these items.

3 Descriptive Language A writer’s choice of words can make the difference between boring and interesting. To make writing more effective, writers often use descriptive language. descriptive language includes: sensory details – words that appeal to the senses colorful modifiers – adjectives and adverbs that give vivid details action words – verbs that show specific, vivid action

4 Practice 1. Fold a sheet of paper lengthwise (like a hotdog).
2. On the left side of the paper, write a list of 10 random nouns. 3. Turn the paper over and write a list of 10 verbs specific to an occupation or job (ex. chef) 4. Unfold the paper and match the nouns on the left to the verbs on the right (the nouns should NOT normally go with the verb). 5. Write 10 sentences, using each noun-verb combination in a sentence.

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