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By: Josh Brooks Visual RHETORIC.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Josh Brooks Visual RHETORIC."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Josh Brooks Visual RHETORIC


3 What’s the worst that could happen?

4 What is this picture trying to say?

5 It is saying that when you are pressured to do drugs the first thing that you think is “what’s the worst that could happen?” But we never think of the worst thing that could.

6 How does the light impact the picture?

7 The light is focused on the mice and the Rat-X in the floor, causing you to realize that the mouse is offering rat poison.

8 What colors stand out?

9 Most of the colors are neutral, but the color of the poison is red and yellow causing it to stand out.

10 What is omitted in the picture?

11 Society see bad teenagers as having a messy room and good teenagers of having a clean room. Since there is no mess in the room it is saying that even the best teenagers can be tempted to do drugs.

12 How is logos used?

13 This image is logical because cigarettes contain arsenic which is found in rat poison.

14 How is ethos used?

15 We know that this image is trustworthy because of the above the influence symbol in the bottom corner.

16 How is pathos used?

17 At first glance this image is humorous, but with a closer look the emotion changes to a more serious tone because we see what it is trying to say.

18 Who is the audience?

19 The audience of this image is teens and parents, because it is saying that when you least expect it you could be tempted by anyone.

20 Sites used

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