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Cuts, Scrapes, & Bruises Broken Bones

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1 Cuts, Scrapes, & Bruises Broken Bones
7th Grade Health

2 Types of Wounds Bruise (Contusion)
Damages to soft tissue and blood vessels causing bleeding under skin Tissues discolor and swell Over time area may turn dark red or purple

3 Scrape Abrasion; Road rash; Rug burn Most common type of wound
Skin has been scraped away Usually painful because nerve endings are exposed Most keep area clean to avoid infection

4 Cut Laceration May have jagged or smooth edges
Cuts commonly caused by sharp objects Can cause damage to nerves May bleed freely May or may not be painful if nerves are involved

5 Avulsion A portion of skin or soft tissue is partially or completely torn away A violent force may tear away a body part Bleeding is often significant

6 Puncture A wound caused with a pointed object such as a nail, piece of glass or knife Can easily become infected Bleeding can become severe if object penetrates internal organs

7 Dressings Are clean or sterile pads placed directly on a wound.
Usually non-stick gauze

8 Bandages A bandage is a material used to wrap or cover any part of the body. Mostly used to hold a dressing in place

9 Controlling Bleeding Step 1: Check the scene and the victim, call 911
Step 2: Cover the wound with a dressing and apply pressure Step 3: Elevate the wound above the level of heart if possible

10 Controlling Bleeding (cont.)
Step 4: Cover the dressing with a roller bandage Step 5: If bleeding doesn’t stop, apply additional dressings Step 6: Apply more pressure to close the artery Step 7: Care for shock (process of vital organs shutting down due to lack of oxygen)

11 Burns: Cool & Cover 1st degree Red Skin Painful
2nd degree Blisters Very Painful 3rd degree Melted skin Ext. Painful/Numb (4th degree) Charred Numb

12 Fractures


14 Ligament injuries Ligament Sprains/tears


16 Muscle injuries Muscle Strains/Tears

17 Caring for Bone/Joint Injuries
RICE Rest Immobilize Cold Elevation

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