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Magna Carta-The Great Charter (1297)

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Presentation on theme: "Magna Carta-The Great Charter (1297)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magna Carta-The Great Charter (1297)
1st document to limit power of English King / Queen -king/ queen could not raise taxes without consent -people had the right to own property -trial by jury

2 The Glorious Revolution: >Habeas Corpus
English Bill of Rights (1668) >Habeas Corpus >Parliamentary Consent for Taxation James II forced out (Catholic) William III of Orange and Mary crowned (Protestant)

3 Colonial Legislatures Opposed to Governors Appointed by the King

4 Right to Vote “I own land and I’m over 21” (notice he’s a white male)
50-75% of the white males in the colonies could vote

5 Freedom of the Press John Peter Zenger criticized Royal Governor
Cosby in the New York Weekly Journal. Found innocent of Libel because it was true!

6 Regulating Trade The Navigation Acts
>Colonial trade to Europe had to go through England >Ships had to built by England or British subjects >Tobacco and sugar could only be sold to England

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