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ECE 477 Digital Systems Senior Design Project  Fall 2005

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1 ECE 477 Digital Systems Senior Design Project  Fall 2005
Team T.R.A.P. Trash Removing Autonomous Predator Block Diagram What is the T.R.A.P. Project ? T.R.A.P. is an autonomous vehicle designed to automatically identify and pick up red cans, while it traverses an area of a user designated size. If the identified object is not a red can it will avoid it, while staying in the designated area. The robot moves autonomously until it covers all of the designated area. PSSC 1 Ability to identify empty, red aluminum cans for pickup PSSC 2 Ability to pickup up identified object(s) PSSC 5 Ability to set operation mode using a keypad and display system status using an LCD display PSSC 3 Ability to automatically traverse the pickup zone, a rectangular grid Aluminum Shovel/Arm Mechanism (able to pick up cans in any orientation) Rear Ultrasonic Sensor (able to identify when the basket is full) Camera Compass module (allows the Vehicle to accurately traverse the pickup zone) PSSC 4 Ability to detect a “basket full” condition Digijock(ette)-Strength Digital System DesignTM

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