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5.3 Muscle and Nervous Tissue

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1 5.3 Muscle and Nervous Tissue
Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 27 Topic: 5.3 Muscle and Nervous Tissue Essential Question: NONE 5.3 Muscle and Nervous Tissue 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Fair EC due today Get Ch. 5 notebook check from tray Test on FRIDAY

2 Ch. 5 Taping Time 16: Ch. 1 Study Guide 17: Ch. 1 Notebook Check 18: Epithelial Tissue Cheat Sheet (mouse) 20: Epithelial Tissue microscope lab 21: Epithelial Tissue notes 22: Connective Tissue Cheat Sheet (wolf knee) 24: Connective Tissue microscope lab (I still have) 25: Connective Tissue Notes

3 P. 26 Skeletal Muscle pic Smooth Muscle pic Cardiac Muscle pic Neuron
in book

4 Muscle Tissue Characteristics
3. Muscle tissues are contractile, meaning they can shorten and thicken As they contract, they move body parts 3 types: Skeletal Smooth Cardiac

5 P. 27 Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue: Bottom ¼
Muscle Tissue Characteristics: Muscle Tissue Skeletal Smooth Cardiac Nervous Tissue: Bottom ¼

6 Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Each cell has many nuclei Cells tend to be long and narrow Have alternating light and dark cross markings called striations Controlled by conscious effort (Voluntary) Move the head, trunk, limbs, and enable us to make facial expressions, write, talk, chew, swallow and breathe Usually attaches to bones


8 Skeletal Muscle p. 26

9 Smooth Muscle Tissue Lacks striations
Cells are shorter, spindle shaped, and have one nucleus Involuntary- cannot usually control by conscious effort In walls of hollow internal organs--Stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, blood vessels, uterus EX: move food through the digestive tract

10 *No striations

11 Smooth Muscle p. 26

12 Cardiac Muscle Tissue Striated
Branched and form complex networks with single nucleus Involuntary- Can function without nerve impulses Makes up the bulk of the heart, and pumps blood through the heart chambers and into blood vessels Is ONLY in the heart

13 Cardiac Muscle p. 32

14 Nervous Tissue 4. Nervous tissue is a specialized tissue found in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves Neurons Sense changes in the environment and respond by transmitting nerve impulses Coordinate, regulate, and integrate many body functions

15 Neuron p. 32

16 Muscle and Nervous Tissue Microscope Lab

17 Muscle and Nervous Tissue Microscope Lab
Smooth muscle Tissue Skeletal muscle Tissue Cardiac muscle Tissue Multipolar Motor Neurons

18 Ch. 5 Study Guide Take out your study guide for signature
IF NOT DONE YOU MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN JEOPARDY GAME If too many people did not finish their study guide, WHOLE CLASS WILL NOT PLAY Please review your Ch. 5 Study guide for 5 minutes before we play Jeopardy

19 Objective The students will understand chapter 5 concepts
In groups, students will play Jeopardy to review concepts for their Ch. 5 test

20 Whiteboards, Get your Whiteboards!!!!
One whiteboard/marker/eraser per table

21 Ch. 5 Jeopardy Review Game

22 Ch. 5 Test Notebook check: Write name on notebook check
Stick out of notebook like a bookmark on p. 19

23 Ch. 5 Test Turn in answer sheet to Mrs. M’s printer
Return Test to basket Make sure to erase ANY marks you made on test

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