Miller County High School

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1 Miller County High School
Freshmen Orientation Welcome Class of 2021! Your Journey to Graduation. Congratulations!


3 General Expectations Expectations Be on time Try your hardest Turn assignments in on time Be respectful Prepare for College Scholarships Get involved in Clubs and extra curricular activities

4 Attendance Necessary for your success at Miller County High School. New attendance policy

5 Dress Code

6 Discipline

7 Clubs


9 Tardies Habitual tardiness is unacceptable and unfair to other students because instruction is interrupted every time a late student arrives. Every three (3) unexcused tardies within a grading period count as one unexcused absence.

10 Upcoming Events Open House- August 3rd 1-3 PM
First Day of School – August 4th, 7:30a.m. Coffee with the principal-

11 Stay Connected

12 Awards TRIPLE AAA Attendance Achievement Attitude Student of the month
Monthly perfect attendance drawing each (9 weeks)

13 Graduation Requirements
4 units of English (must include 9th grade Literature and American Literature) 4 units of Mathematics (must include Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II) 4 units of Science (must include Biology and Physical Science) 3 units of Social Studies (must include World History, US History, Civics/ Economics) 1 unit of Health and Personal Fitness (9th grade)

14 Graduation Requirements
3 Units of CTAE or Fine Arts- These may be taken in any combination Students are encouraged to complete a career pathway in a CTAE area and take the end of pathway assessment. Students can complete a fine arts pathway in Band as well. All colleges and universities require at least 2 years of the same world language. 5 additional elective units 24 units required for graduation

15 CTAE Pathways CTAE – Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Pathways Therapeutic Services/Patient Care Pathway Business and Technology Pathway

16 GPA, College Admissions, Scholarships, and HOPE
A student’s Grade Point Average (GPA), used for college admissions, scholarships, and HOPE eligibility, begins in the ninth grade and includes all courses taken 9-12. Cumulative GPA – GPA of all high school courses taken in grades 9-12 Academic Core GPA – total (9-12) GPA of core classes only (science, math, English, social studies, world language, etc) Honor Graduates, Junior Marshals, Val/Sal and HOPE eligibilitty are determined by Academic Core GPA.

17 Move On When Ready (MOWR)
MOWR is for students at eligible high schools that wish to take college level coursework for credit towards both high school and college graduation requirements. To participate in Move On When Ready, students sign a student participation form with their high school or home study program, meet the admissions requirements at the postsecondary institution of their choice and make satisfactory academic progress. Interested students should see their high school counselor and visit for program information and the application.

18 ACADEMIC SUPPORT USATest Prep PLATO 21st Century Academic Coach
Online supplemental support for all EOCT courses Accessible from home PLATO Online elective course offerings Accessible from home for study and notetaking ONLY 21st Century Before/after school academic support Additional college, career, and life skill enrichment Academic Coach Liaison for parents, students, and teachers for academic support

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