5 Themes of Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Themes of Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Themes of Geography

2 1. Location Describes where places are on earth. Types of Location:
ABSOLUTE: exact location on earth Doesn’t change Latitude/Longitude Address RELATIVE: compared to other places Changes dependent upon where you’re comparing it to. Directions (N, S, W, E)

3 Absolute Location Examples: Rome is located at 41 N, 12 E
Charlotte is in North Carolina. The Pacific Ocean is on Earth.

4 Relative Location Examples:
Rome is located near the Mediterranean Sea. Argentina is near Brazil. Ecuador is south of Mexico. Lincoln is 50 miles from Omaha.

5 2. Place A place is defined by it’s unique characteristics.
Physical characteristics: created by nature Human characteristics: man made or invented

6 3. Movement People, goods, and ideas that move from one place to another. The Internet is a good tool for the movement of ideas.

7 Movement Examples Immigration from Latin America to US.
War in Iraq (troops, supplies, ideas, people) Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook (ideas)

8 4. Region How places are similar or different

9 5. HEI (Human Environment Interaction)
How people interact with the environment. - People _____ to the environment adapt (get used to) 2. modify (change) 3. depend (rely on) Examples: Climate Change (global warming) Energy Resources Water Conservation Deforestation

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