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Philosophy of the Human and the Posthuman

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1 Philosophy of the Human and the Posthuman
Class 5

2 Last class - Class 4: Today: Triumph and decline of humanism;
Michel Foucault: “death of man”; Meanings of the posthuman

3 Michel Foucault (1926-1984): “death of man”

4 Panopticon

5 Foucault – Key themes: Power and Knowledge Technology (cf Heidegger)
Discipline and Punishment Panopticon, panopticism and surveillance History of Madness Sexuality and Biopower

6 The posthuman (See Notes on Classes 4 – 7)
Contesting the boundaries (of human/non-human) Interrogating the values of humanism– individualism, rationality etc., What is excluded? Being ‘other’

7 The posthuman (See Notes on Classes 4 – 7)
Contesting the boundaries (of human/non-human)




11 The posthuman Interrogating the values – individualism, rationality etc.,

12 Humanism Values Individualism; Separateness Independence; autonomy
Reason; rationality Freedom, liberty Universalism Hierarchical Binary Exclusionary


14 The posthuman What is excluded (from the Enlightenment vision of ‘the human’)? Being ‘other’

15 The Other… women the ‘bad’ the ‘mad’ the ‘deviant’ the foreigner

16 (= constructing an image of the other; stereotyping)
representation (= constructing an image of the other; stereotyping) objectification (= using the subject as a means to an end, not as an end in itself)



19 Edward W. Said: Orientalism (1978)

20 The (Enlightenment vision of) the ‘Human’
The politics of exclusion How to respond/ interrogate/ subvert the dominant ways of thinking? What are the possibilities for action/ redress?

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