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Presentation on theme: "Proteins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proteins

2 Monomer Amino Acids

3 Amino Acids 20 different Amino Acids

4 The “R – group” All 20 amino acids have the same basic structure. The part that is different between them is the R group.

5 The Bond The bond that holds amino acids together is a PEPTIDE bond.

6 Polypeptides MANY peptide bonds. Polypeptides are the POLYMER of proteins.

7 Protein Structure 4 levels of structure

8 Protein Function The amino acid sequence determines how it will fold and therefore its shape. SHAPE DETERMINE FUNCTION!

9 What are those Functions?
Structure Transport Communication Immunity Catalyse (speed up) reactions through enzymes

10 Structure Actin and myosin in muscles
Microtubules and microfilaments in the cell Keratin in hair and nails Collagen in tendons and ligaments

11 Enzymes Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering the energy needed to make the reaction “go”.

12 Communication Hormones (not the sex hormones!) send messages throughout the body. Insulin (blood sugar), oxytocin (the love hormone) and somatotropin (growth) are examples.

13 Transport Proteins like hemoglobin carry things throughout the body. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through the blood.

14 Immunity Antibodies are proteins. They help protect you from illness.

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