Types of Theater & Theater jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Theater & Theater jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Theater & Theater jobs

2 When you think of a theater a picture comes to mind
When you think of a theater a picture comes to mind. But theaters come in many different shapes

3 Proscenium stage: A proscenium theatre is what we usually think of as a "theatre".  Its primary feature is the Proscenium, a "picture frame" placed around the front of the playing area of an end stage.

4 The frame is the Proscenium; the wings are spaces on either side, extending off-stage. Scenery can surround the acting area on all sides except side towards audience, who watch the play through picture frame opening. "Backstage" is any space around the acting area which is out of sight of the audience.

5 Thrust theatre: A Stage surrounded by audience on three sides
Thrust theatre:  A Stage surrounded by audience on three sides. The Fourth side serves as the background. In a typical modern arrangement: the stage is often a square or rectangular playing area, usually raised, surrounded by raked seating. Other shapes are possible; Shakespeare's Globe Theatre was a five-sided thrust stage.

6 "Backstage" is behind the background wall
"Backstage" is behind the background wall. There is no real wingspace to the sides, although there may be entrances located there. An example of a modern end stage is a music hall, where the background walls surround the playing space on three sides. Like a thrust stage, scenery serves primarily as background, rather than surrounding the acting space.

7 Arena Theatre: A central stage surrounded by audience on all sides
Arena Theatre: A central stage surrounded by audience on all sides. The stage area is often raised to improve sightlines.

8 Flexible theatre:  Sometimes called a "Black Box" theatre, these stages are often big empty boxes painted black inside. Stage and seating not fixed. Instead, each can be altered to suit the needs of the play or the whim of the director.

9 The warehouse theater in Greenville is a black box theater.

10 Found space is exactly what it sounds like
Found space is exactly what it sounds like. It is a found space to perform. This can be in a park, train station, on a side walk, in a café or lobby etc.

11 More found spaces

12 Auxiliary Spaces are all the spaces that are not the stage, back stage or where the audience sits. This includes the lobby, the bathrooms, the hallways, the ticket booths, etc.

13 Producer a person who oversees all aspects of mounting a theater production. The producer manages the overall financial and managerial functions of a production or venue, raises or provides financial backing, and hires personnel for creative positions (writer, director, designers, composer, choreographer—and in some cases, performers).

14 Director  two basic responsibilities: 1) to bring about a unified vision within the finished production, and 2) to lead others toward its ultimate actualization. The director must decide upon the interpretation to be given the play; work with the playwright (if possible), designers, and technicians in planning the production; cast and rehearse the actors; and coordinate all elements into the finished production.

15 A playwright  a person who writes plays. Often this is independent but sometimes a play about a particular subject matter or book will be commisioned.

16 Set Designer The set designer's job is to design physical surroundings in which the action will take place. All the scenery, furniture and props the audience sees at a production of a play make up the set design.

17 Actor one who portrays a character in a performance. 

18 Production and Stage Manager
responsible for realizing the visions of the producer and the director. This involves coordinating the operations of various production sub-disciplines scenic, wardrobe, lighting, sound, etc.of the presentation.

19 Dramaturg Someone who helps develop the mission of the theater company, helps plan the season and helps look for scripts. This is the person who will research time tines, costumes and music and more.

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