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Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Notes.

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1 Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Notes

2 What is a Presentation? A presentation is an speech that usually includes visuals, such as slides. Presentations can take other forms such as slide shows that run continuously and slide shows with recorded sounds. A presentation consists of slides that are organized and formatted using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007: informative photo multimedia PowerPoint

3 The PowerPoint screen

4 Planning a Presentation:
A successful presentation is carefully so that it clearly conveys a message. The planning process involves three steps: Carefully plan the or What is the of the presentation? Who is the _____________? Determine the of the slides. Content refers to the , , and other objects on the slides. planned lecture speech purpose audience content text graphics

5 Planning a Presentation:
Determine the and of the slides, and then sketch the slides using pencil and paper. The design consists of , , and accent , and should be appropriate for the purpose and the audience. Limit fonts to or fewer Avoid using all letters Use colors for the text and background The layout is the arrangement of and ________ . The slide usually includes the title and author and should have a different layout than the rest of the presentation. design layout fonts colors graphics three uppercase contrasting text graphics title

6 Adding Slides To add a new slide with the same layout as the current one, click – New Slide. To add a slide with a different layout, click the on Home – New Slide, which displays a gallery of layouts to choose from. Home arrow

7 Deleting Slides To delete the current slide, click Home – To duplicate slides within the same presentation, select the slide(s) in the tab or tab and then click Home – New Slide – Selected Slides delete Outline Slides Duplicate

8 Editing a Slide Slides contain for holding text and other content such as graphics. Before content is placed, a placeholder appears as a box with a line border. Text can be added or edited in the tab next to the slide’s icon. PowerPoint has a feature called that automatically sizes text as it is typed so that it fits within a placeholder. The alignment, font, font size, and other formats can be applied to selected text in a placeholder using the toolbar or tab. placeholders dashed Outline AutoFit Mini Home

9 Fonts fonts (so straight – no edges), such as Calibri and Candara, are clean-looking and a good choice for titles and headings. fonts, such as Constantia, have extra lines at the ends of the letters and is a good choice for large amounts of text. Text on slides should be at least size points. San Serif Serif 24

10 Layout To change the layout of a slide even after text has been added, click Home – Layout

11 PowerPoint Views Use the tab to change how the presentation is displayed: view displays the current slide in the Slide pane, and is best for editing the text and graphics on a slide. view is useful for selecting multiple slides and changing the order of slides. View Normal Slide Sorter

12 Viewing a Presentation
view displays the presentation as it will appear to the audience, starting with slide 1 regardless of which slide is currently displayed. To start the slide show, click – Slide Show. To display the next slide, -click, press the key, Page key, or the To display the previous slide, press the key, the Page key, or the key. To end the slide show, press the key. To use the menu, move the mouse to display in the -left corner. Slide Show View left N Down spacebar P Up Backspace Esc bottom

13 Themes Themes are used to maintain a look. A theme is a named set of formats that changes the colors, fonts, backgrounds, and layouts of placeholders. By default the theme is applied to a new presentation. To change the theme, click a theme in the Themes group on the tab. To change formatting used in the applied theme, click – Colors, Design – Fonts, or Design – . consistent Office Design Design Effects

14 Printing a Presentation
Previewing a presentation shows what the printouts will look like. Click Print Preview – to display a list of options that change how the presentation is arranged on the pages: prints one slide per page. prints the indicated number of miniature slides on each page. Pages prints one slide in the top half of each page and any text that was typed in the Notes pane in the bottom half of the page. view prints the outline of the presentation as it appears in the Outline tab in Normal View. To add a header or footer, click Print Preview – options – Header and Footer. Select the Notes and Handouts tab. Print What Slides Handouts Notes Outline

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