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2 through service and advocacy.
Mission statement Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women through service and advocacy.

3 In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.
Zonta’s Vision Zonta International envisions a world in which women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.

4 MICROPHONES PROCEDURAL Point of Order – for violations of procedure
Point of Parliamentary Inquiry – to check on correct procedure Request for Information –to ask a question on the pending motion Recess - to move a recess immediately Previous Question – to end the debate and to vote on the motion without further discussion. CON To make an amendment to a motion. To speak against a motion or an amendment. PRO To make a main motion To speak on favor of a motion

Go to the PRO microphone. Give the written copy of the motion to the monitor so the motion can be brought to the International President. When it is your turn to speak, start as follows: The motion has been given to the President in writing in advance. My name is _____. I am delegate for the Zonta club of _________ OR I am Governor of District ___ I am Member of the Board I am a PIP I move that ____________________ (or I speak for this motion/amendment because ________________) PRO

Go to the CON microphone. Give the written copy of the amendment to the monitor so the amendment can be brought to the International President. When it is your turn to speak, start as follows: My name is _____. I am delegate for the Zonta club of _________ OR I am Governor of District ___ I am Member of the Board I am a PIP I move to amend the motion by ____________________ (or I speak against the motion/amendment because _____________) CON

7 AMENDMENTS – 2 steps – new rules
Move the amendment from CON microphone CON 2. The maker of the amendment is the only one allowed to speak FOR the amendment from the CON microphone (to avoid she/he has to run to the PRO microphone). All others who want to speak FOR the amendment, do it from the PRO microphone.

8 NUMBER OF VOTES NEEDED Main motions require 2/3 votes in the affirmative to be adopted. Amendments require majority to be adopted.

9 PROCESS Main Motion on the screen
Amendment to the motion on the screen Discussion Discussion Vote Majority No Less than 2/3 YES Motion fails 2/3 YES Motion carries Vote Majority Yes The amended motion on the screen Discussion Vote Less than 2/3 YES The amended motion fails 2/3 YES The amended motion carries


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