Warm-up #31 Read each of the following statements carefully and decide to what level you agree with each – Totally Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat Disagree,

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up #31 Read each of the following statements carefully and decide to what level you agree with each – Totally Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat Disagree,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up #31 Read each of the following statements carefully and decide to what level you agree with each – Totally Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat Disagree, Totally Disagree. 1. Competition leads to greatness. 2. Variety and selection is important. 3. People who are willing to work should have their needs taken care of. 4. Cooperation makes us all better. 5. People, for the most part, make smart choices when spending their money. 6. It is okay to be wealthy while others are homeless.

2 Intro to Communism

3 Competition leads to greatness.
Agree Disagree Competition leads to greatness. Do you agree with this?

4 Variety and selection is important.
Agree Disagree Variety and selection is important. Do you agree with this?

5 Cooperation makes us all better.
Agree Disagree Cooperation makes us all better. Do you agree with this?

6 People who are willing to work should have their needs taken care of.
Agree Disagree People who are willing to work should have their needs taken care of. Do you agree with this?

7 Agree Disagree People, for the most part, make smart choices when spending their money.

8 It is okay to be wealthy while others are homeless.
Agree Disagree It is okay to be wealthy while others are homeless.

9 Some professions deserve to be paid more that others?
Agree Disagree Some professions deserve to be paid more that others?

10 Rock Paper Scissors

11 Rock-Paper-Scissors Everyone who participates get one
Game 1: Capitalism Game 2: Communism Everyone who participates get one What were the pro’s and con’s? Winner takes all What were the pro’s and con’s?

12 Communism Notes Pg. 10

13 Essential Question How is Communism different from Capitalism?

14 Starts with Marxism Based on ideas of Karl Marx Historian
Writes Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital Lives through Industrial Revolution and sees working conditions Observes all history is marked by class struggle, cause of all conflict Capitalism had divided the world into two groups

15 The 2 Sides of Communism Proletariat: Bourgeoisie: Working Class
Work to survive Few, wealthy elite Survive off of the labor of the Proletariat


17 Communism Notes Governmental system based on Marxism
Common ownership of the means of production No social classes No need for money or private property Equality for all

18 "We want to achieve a new and better order of society: in this new and better society there must be neither rich nor poor; all will have to work. Not a handful of rich people, but all the working people must enjoy the fruits of their common labour. Machines and other improvements must serve to ease the work of all and not to enable a few to grow rich at the expense of millions and tens of millions of people. This new and better society is called socialist society. The teachings about this society are called 'socialism'.“ -Vladimir Lenin, "To the Rural Poor" (1903); Collected Works, Vol 6, p. 366


20 Crashcourse Capitalism vs. Socialism

21 Super bowl Ad Price 4.5 Million Dollars for a 30 second Ad
$150,000 per second

22 Capitalism

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