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Blue Mountain Community College Non-Academic Program Review

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Presentation on theme: "Blue Mountain Community College Non-Academic Program Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blue Mountain Community College Non-Academic Program Review
Goal #8: Deliberate continuous improvement based on evidence Intended Outcome: Academic and nonacademic program review processes occur regularly with implementation of improvements as a result of assessment BMCC Strategic Plan

2 Begin With the End In Mind
“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” Stephen Covey, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”

3 What is a Non-Academic Program Review?
Systematic process for evaluating and improving programs, programming, operational functions, and/or services through self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and assessment “Non-APR”

4 What are the Differences and Similarities Between
Non-Academic Program Review (Non-APR) Academic Program Review (APR) A study of instructional program effectiveness that assesses: student learning relevance of course offerings to industry needs and standards instructional support services student access, persistence, retention and completion costs and return on investment adequacy of faculty and staff A study of non-instructional departments, operational offices, services, or initiatives that assesses: functional or operational effectiveness and efficiency direct or indirect impact on student success costs and return on investment professional standards of practice customer service adequacy of staff adequacy of technology and facilities

5 Why Do Non-APRs? We say that we are committed to deliberate and continuous improvement “Academic and non-academic review processes occur regularly with implementation of improvements as a result of assessment.” ( BMCC Strategic Plan, Goal #8) The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) standards and most recent recommendations clearly call this out as a priority for BMCC. “The evaluation committee recommends that the college continue its efforts to define a specific threshold of mission fulfillment, taking care to articulate a meaningful, useful, and defensible rationale for that threshold and its underlying metrics (S1.A2) The process is intended to be meaningful for the department and documents how a department is contributing to the mission of the college through purposeful outcomes.

6 The Non-APR Process Is completed every 3rd year according to a rotational schedule Is comprised of 3 phases Self Study Peer Review Report & Recommendations Is intended to be led by Unit or Department Dean, Director, Supervisor, or Manager Inclusive of significant contribution by departmental staff Supported by an assigned Peer Mentor Is administered by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness Report is made to Vice President, Cabinet, and Coordinating Council

7 3 Year Non-APR Cycle Phase I Complete Self-Study
Phase II Complete Peer Review Phase III Report Out and Plan for Improvements

8 The Non-APR Self-Study Process
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness: Oversees the Non-APR Self-Study Process and develops an annual rotating schedule for all non-academic departments Meets with departments who are beginning the phase I, self study to explain the process and offer assistance Provides prompts and assistance to departments when they complete the self-study and are ready for phase II and phase III Makes recommendations to departments as needed for peer mentor support The Non-APR Self-Study Packet Includes: Instructions and guidelines sheet Assessment terminology and glossary of terms Fillable self-study template Availability in electronic as well as downloadable hard copy from the Institutional Effectiveness webpage

9 Sample Non-APR Rotating Schedule
Phase I – Self Study F/W Phase II – Peer Review W Phase III – Report S Enrollment Serv. Outreach/Req. Success Center Facilities Inst. Technology Business Services Public Relations Foundation/Alumni Office IE Athletics Financial Aid Human Resources

10 Components of the Non-APR Self-Study
Departmental Purpose, Personnel, Functions/Services, Budget Changes or Improvements From Previous Self-study Prior Departmental Objectives and Intended Outcomes Current Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Recommendations (SOAR) Analysis Future Direction – Objectives and Intended Outcomes

11 Components of the Peer Review
Internal Peer Review External Peer Review (optional) Department will choose from a list of BMCC peers who have been trained to evaluate program reviews Self-study will be evaluated based on completeness and strength of the self- reflection Peer Reviewer provides a narrative evaluation with recommendations Intent of the peer review is to provide valuable feedback that will support a comprehensive report out Department may choose an external peer from within their professional area (i.e., Financial Aid) to evaluate the program review Self-study will be evaluated based on industry standards and strength of the self-reflection Peer Reviewer provides a written narrative evaluation with recommendations Intent of the peer review is to provide valuable feedback from a specific professional industry perspective that will support a comprehensive report out

12 Components of the Report & Plan for Improvement
Copy of self-study and peer review is provided to the Dean and/or Vice President for review and signature Dean and/or Vice President meets with the Department to discuss outcomes, recommendations, future objectives, and plans for improvement Department supervisor provides fact sheet and summary report of outcomes, future goals, and plans for improvement to Cabinet and Coordinating Council Departmental objectives and plans for improvement becomes part of on- going annual planning

13 Sources Fullerton College, “Three-Year Program Review Template”
Hostos Community College, “Non APR Guidelines” Hostos Community College, “Non-Academic Program Review at a Community College: Methods and Practices” Pepperdine University, “Program Review Guidebook” Portland Community College, “Guide to Program Outcomes & Assessment Terms”

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