Government Relations Update

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1 Government Relations Update
By Daniel E Sniezek

2 Artificial Intelligence
Sen. Cantwell (D-WA) has introduced legislation to create a inter- governmental committee to advise the federal government on AI Added to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) NDAA authorized the Department of Defense, and so is a “must pass” bill Cantwell’s bill would allow non-government experts to serve on the advisory committee Contrary to House bill, which just includes government employees DOD wants to limit participation so they can control the process NDAA going to Conference Committee soon

3 FY 2019 Appropriations 2019 Budget process is moving more smoothly than expected Most R&D budgets doing well, so far Overall federal R&D spending will probably reach an historic high, $85B Many details still to be worked out Senate Highlights DOD basic research up 19.4% NSF up 3.9% NASA up 2.8% NIST – flat spending after a big boost in FY2018 House numbers are generally lower than Senate, but still good

4 China Emerging as a major focal point for US policy, with big implications for IEEE Immigration: Visa restrictions on Chinese students & visitors Research: Greater restrictions on sensitive research, researchers and facilities doing sensitive research Exports: Broader export control restrictions, limits on export of research Most of these changes are proposed, but not implemented. IEEE-USA expects more rule changes this Fall

5 Department of Energy Pressure in 2017 and 2018 to dramatically cut DOE’s research budget has failed Senate passed S July 24th. House approval expected soon. Bill authorizes the DOE’s Office of Science & includes several provisions pushed by IEEE-USA New infrastructure spending on national labs Reauthorizes Energy Innovation Hubs and Energy Frontier Research Centers Promotes high-speed computer New Director of the DOE’s Office of Science (Chris Fall) expected to be confirmed by the Senate by September.

6 Federal Aviation Administration
Reauthorization expected by September New rules making it easier to fly drones included in the bill Language on air traffic control Rules for Self-Driving Cars Establishes federal primacy over car regulations Creates a legal, but limited, safe space for prototype vehicles to operate on roads Establishes structure for more comprehensive rules for autonomous vehicles Rare instance of legislators moving ahead of technology (if only slightly)

7 Government Relations in 2019
Many new members of Congress expected We’ll need to introduce ourselves to them IEEE-USA will be working with interested local sections to arrange meetings with their new legislators, starting in January, 2019

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