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How we deal with different issues

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Presentation on theme: "How we deal with different issues"— Presentation transcript:

1 How we deal with different issues
Stress How we deal with different issues

2 School finals Get prepared ahead of time
Ask for study guides early (most teachers have them) Figure out exactly what score you need to keep your grade Map out when you will study and stick to your schedule Do not try to cram in studying for 3 exams the night before Make sure you have all other assignments turned in Get plenty of sleep. Don’t stay up all night studying Relax! Stressing out too much will make it harder to study

3 Future College Passion Career
Most colleges have great programs for undeclared majors Figure out what size of school you like Visit!! To do list Passion Do worry about it. You’ll find it We have 60+ years to figure it out Career “If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.”

4 Grant How I deal with stress

5 Stress

6 Friends

7 Outlook

8 Be Positive

9 How do I deal with stress?
Kinley How do I deal with stress?

10 Stress vs Exercise When I am extremely stressed over school, activities, work, etc. I love to exercise. I go to my room and pretty much dance and work my feelings out. I also love to clean and stay organized with things.

11 How do I deal with stress?
Morgan How do I deal with stress?

12 Stress When I’m stressed I usually organize stuff because as the wise Casslyn McNamara once said, “I feel like if I can clean up the physical mess and have control over it then it takes some of the stress off the mess in my mind”. I also listen to music and sometimes cry because it's okay to cry. I also talk to people about what I'm stressed about and they always help me feel better.

13 Casslyn How I deal with stress

14 AHHHHH One of the bad ways I deal with stress is through procrastination. If I just ignore it it goes away right? No. Once I stop doing that I pray which clears my mind and calms me down, then I’ll make a To Do list so I can feel accomplished when I cross things off. And as the lovely Morgan Stern said, I clean and listen to good music and lay on the floor with my dog.

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