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Impact and Solution of an Aging Society

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Presentation on theme: "Impact and Solution of an Aging Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact and Solution of an Aging Society
Hello everyone, I am Ariel, thank you guys being there. Today we will introduce Impact and Solution of an Aging Society. They are my good partners Wendy, Apple and Joey. Ariel F Wendy F Ariel F Apple F Joey

2 What would you do when you 65 years old?
At the beginning, I want ask you have you ever think What would you do when you 65 years old? Yeah, the world started become aging society, that’s a big problem and we need to care about the problem and have great plan when we get old. If you really curious how to do this please take close attention to our presentation. Ariel

3 OUTLINE Introduce Body Conclusion Q & A
Definition & Aging around the World Economic Effects Individual Plan & Family Care Social Policies Conclusion Q & A We’ll divide our presentation into four outlines. They are introduction, body, conclusion and Q&A. First part, Ariel will tell you about the definition and the aging society around the world. I will introduce the second parts for you. Third part will be presented by Joey. Apple will introduce the last part for you. Hope you enjoy our presentation. Let’s welcome Ariel for our first part. Wendy

4 Aging society (n.) percent of the population are 65 years or older. According to the wisdom year’s website the definition of aging society is a country has 7-14 percent of the population are 65 years or older. ARIEL

5 Aging around the World Aging society become a serious problem in the world. But what is the actually number, let me tell you.

6 Aging population in Asia
As you can see on the picture, china , japan, south Korea and Taiwan are over %. In the Japan this a big problem, so they have many law about that. How about our country taiwan? Some expert said when 2018, we were become aged.

7 Aging population in USA
We can see the blue line is united stated , when 1980 to 2000 has a little reach the 15 %. And we can see almost 2030, the united state will become the aging society. l

8 Aging population in Europe
How about Europe, it almost 1995 europe become aging society. And, now do you know Aging society will effects economic? That’s really surprise me . So let us welcome Wendy to introduce the Aging society Economic effects!

9 Aging society Economic effects

10 Economic effects Reduced labor force Reduced innovation capacity
Medical costs rise In this modern society, people live longer than the past. Therefore, there are many elders in this society and cause some negative effects in this aging society. First of all is labor force would be reduced. Because elders cannot work, the society cannot hire them. what’s more, many young couples choose to have one baby because there are a lot of pressure in their life. And that is the reason for labor force is going to be reduced. The second one is innovation capacity is disappearing. Just like the most famous company, Cisco System, one of their management principles is not to hire people who is older than 30 years old. They do not care about your diploma, only care about your creativity. Creativity only exist in younger’s brain. In other words, creativity will be reduced when people getting old. Third is medical costs rise. When people got old, they might be sick or have diseases. If elders want to have some treatment, youngers need to afford the payment of the treatment. Now, for youngers , what they need to pay in no longer only the school loan, but also need to afford the expense that elders need to pay.

11 This is the picture of aging society
This is the picture of aging society. As you see, in 1990’s, there were almost 6 people supported an elder. And in the future, there will be only 2 youngers support an elder. It shows that youngers need to bear so much burden in the future. Burden also included not only their works, families, studies, but overfull elders. According to National Policy Research Foundation, due to July 2007, elder population is over million, it’s 10.09% of Taiwan nation. It means there are 1 elder in every 10 persons. Yet, as the proportion of Taiwanese elder population is over 14%, Taiwan will be an aged society instead of aging society.

12 Individual Plan

13 Social Policies F0450039 Apple
Hi! I’m Apple. Now I am going to introduce Taiwan’s social policies. F Apple

14 Economic security Health maintenance Life care
With the increasing of elders. Taiwan’s government started to focus on elders’ problem. In order to maintain the while sociality, they focus on three main parts. Economic security, health maintenance and life care. These are the most important problem of aging society.

15 Economic security Pension System Unemployment insurance
elders' heathy is also important. so government also provides lots of free medical examinations to them. aside from it, they arrange some doctors to help those who live in mountain.

16 Health maintenance medical examination Health services
in order to maintain Taiwan's economic, the government set several law. like pension system, it can garantee those elders who already retired and can have some money to use in their life. and government also provide some information to those people who do not have work.

17 Life care Caring volunteers Catering Services
there are more and more elders live without any family member. so as to take care of them, government seek for many volunteers to company them. they also hire some home care to remind elders.

18 conclusion Apple

19 Thank you for listening

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