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Impressive… Most Impressive

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1 Impressive… Most Impressive
Based on anything we discussed/did yesterday, can anyone give me the significance of the following number… 83

2 Work Expectations (subject to change)
1. Identity and Worldview: Response Paper Story/Myth Analysis OPCVL Unit Test 2. Current Issues Challenge/Action Assignment 3. Early Relationships Essay 4. Renewal and Reconciliation Indigenous Fair Ongoing Seminar or Novel Study Final Exam – 30%

3 Mind’s On - Terminology
Without looking at your note, what is a decent definition of the word ‘indigenous’? What 3 distinct groups fall under the umbrella term ‘Aboriginal’ in Canada?

(from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada) Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 recognizes three groups of Aboriginal people: First Nations, Métis and Inuit. The experience of each group has been unique, based on history, heritage, languages, cultural practices and beliefs, as well as distinct needs and aspirations regarding their place in Canada. There are additional distinctions between and within each of these groups, based on residency, treaties, culture and identity. First Nations Status Indians (Registered Indians) Persons eligible to be registered under the Indian Act Non-Status Indians Persons who self-identify as ‘Indian’ but are not eligible to be registered under the Indian Act Métis Persons who, in addition to their mixed ancestry, developed their own customs, and recognizable group identity separate from their Indian or Inuit and European forebears. Inuit Persons whose ancestry traces back to the original inhabitants of Arctic Canada


6 Defining Indigenous Worldview

7 Worldview is how a person or group understand and reacts to the world around them
In Indigenous cultures this helps explain the connection to the land, spirit, and the presence of a Creator This doesn’t necessarily mean religion but reflects the concept of spirituality

8 It can also be considered Holistic
It can also be considered Holistic. This means that Indigenous cultures focus on the whole rather than individual parts of the world (interconnected)

9 Indigenous and western worldviews

10 Declaration of first nations analysis
First, set up the following chart in your notes. Then we’ll check out the Declaration. Origin: Who do you think might have written/created this? Purpose: Why was this written and what is it trying to say? Content: What is the one statement in this selection that supports the Purpose? Value: As a historian, what value does this have? Limitations: What doesn’t this tell us? Why might this not be of use when discussing Indigenous worldview?

11 Declaration of first nations
We the Original Peoples of this land know the Creator put us here. The Creator gave us laws that govern all our relationships to live in harmony with nature and mankind. The Laws of the Creator defined our rights and responsibilities. The Creator gave us our spiritual beliefs, our languages, our culture, and a place on Mother Earth which provided us with all our needs. We have maintained our Freedom, our Languages, and our Traditions from time immemorial. We continue to exercise the rights and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations given to us by the Creator for the land upon which we were placed. The Creator has given us the right to govern ourselves and the right to self-determination The rights and responsibilities given to us by the Creator cannot be altered or taken away by any other Nation.

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