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Roots and Shoots Science - Year 3 Plants – Block 3P Session 4

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Presentation on theme: "Roots and Shoots Science - Year 3 Plants – Block 3P Session 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Roots and Shoots Science - Year 3 Plants – Block 3P Session 4
Task PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 Zinnia’s planet is called Dock 5
Zinnia’s planet is called Dock 5. It is trillions of miles away and we have no idea what it looks like. It is probably very different to our own planet. Zinnia wants to grow plants from Earth for people to eat when they visit her space hotel and she has asked us to find out what they need to grow strong and healthy.

3 Our bean seedling investigation is helping us discover how important different factors are for healthy growth – factors like light, warmth, water, soil, air and even enough space to grow. Plants on Planet Earth grow naturally outside with plenty of each requirement. So what is it like to be a plant on Planet Earth?

4 Planet Earth is simply amazing.
It is a giant ball spinning in space. It takes one day for the Earth to spin right round.

5 Space is very dark and cold, but a star called the Sun shines on Planet Earth to make it warm and light. It can only shine on half the Earth at a time; the other half is in shadow. This doesn’t matter though because the Earth is spinning, so every place on the planet gets a light, warm time and a dark, cold time . We call it day and night.

6 Every human, animal and plant lives naturally with this pattern
Every human, animal and plant lives naturally with this pattern. A rhythm of day following night following day and so on for ever.

7 If Zinnia’s space plants are to grow strong and healthy, she might need to create day and night on her space farm. It would really help her to know how cold and dark it gets at night on Earth and how warm and light it can be in the day.

8 You can help Zinnia find out this information using a data logger
You can help Zinnia find out this information using a data logger. It has sensors to record temperature and light levels over a period of time. Let’s get started

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