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What is the Water Cycle? water is always moving and changing forms

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1 What is the Water Cycle? water is always moving and changing forms
journey of water going from the land to the atmosphere and back again lesson 5 Give the students the general idea of each step. Tell the students how water travels from the land to the atmosphere. Use the white board to draw the steps out if needed. pass out papers with questions for the video explain the water cycle play the videos ask students: why do they think the water cycle is important? What would happen if we did not have the water cycle?

2 Water Cycle Condensation - change in state of matter of water from gas to liquid Precipitation - water released from clouds Ask students if they have ever noticed condensation on their beverages. explain the role of temperature in both the processes of condensation and precipitation. Ask the students for examples of precipitation.

3 Water Cycle Evaporation - change in state of matter of water from liquid to gas Water vapor - water in the form of gas Ask students if they have ever noticed what happens when they boil a pot of water? explain how temperature plays a role in the process of evaporation and how it is a natural water purification process. Then ask if a pan of colored water is evaporated, what will happen?

4 Water Cycle Transpiration - process by which water from plants is lost as vapor from the undersides of leaves Ask students to compare and contrast this to evaporation. Why is this process necessary for plants?

5 Have a little game with the students
Have a little game with the students. Split the classroom in half and have them send a student up(everyone has to go at least once before repeating). Teacher says info about a certain part of the cycle and the student chosen has to tap on the screen with the word on it. Whoever got it first helps their team gain a point. Winning team gets golden stars. End of lesson 5

6 Time to watch the videos about the water cycle
Time to watch the videos about the water cycle. First pass out the worksheets for the students to work on and tell them that they should fill out the paper as they watch the video. Go over the answers with them after the video ended, but first give them some time to finish.

7 Preparing for Water Cycle Play
Objective: Allow everyone to have a clear understanding of how everything plays a part in the water cycle lesson 6: Teacher pass out all the script to the students. Have all the roles in a hat and have the students to come up to randomly pick out their role. Have the rest of the class for them to practice and memorize the lines. The students do not have to memorize it completely if they can’t. Go through the script with the students and along the way, tell them what is happening and ask what part of the water cycle is going on.

8 Perform Water Cycle Play!
lesson 7 Students come back with their lines either memorized or partially memorized. Then we spend the whole hour having the student act out the play. After the play is done, have a discussion of what was going on during the play. Have them tell you which stage of the water cycle is going on to have an understanding that the students understood what had happened. Perform Water Cycle Play!

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