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Eating Disorders Chapter 11 Lesson 2.

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1 Eating Disorders Chapter 11 Lesson 2

2 Your Body Image The media & other influences can affect your body image Must accept yourself!! Have realistic expectations: your heredity realize that weight & body shape can change frequently & rapidly in teens

3 What are some unhealthy ways people try to lose weight?

4 Fad Diets Weight loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time Neither safe nor reliable Promise quick, easy weight loss

5 What Are Eating Disorders?
Extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death Possible reason are: Depression Low self-esteem Troubled personal relationships Social & cultural forces that emphasize physical appearance Can run in the family, genetics

6 Anorexia Nervosa Irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves Signs: Avoiding food & meals Eating only a few kinds of foods in small amounts Weighing or counting calories in everything eaten Exercising excessively Weighing themselves repeatedly May consume only a few 100 calories/day

7 Anorexia Nervosa Health consequences Malnutrition Starvation
Brittle bones Body temp, heart rate & blood pressure all drop Reduction in organ size Heart problems Sudden cardiac death

8 Bulimia Nervosa Cycles of bingeing & purging
Bingeing: eating large amounts of food in 1 sitting Purging: vomiting/laxatives to rid body of food Sufferers are typically in normal weight range unlike anorexics

9 Bulimia Nervosa Health consequences Dehydration Sore & inflamed throat
Swollen glands Damaged teeth Damage to stomach, intestines, or kidneys Chemical imbalance = irregular heart rhythms, heart failure & death

10 Binge Eating Disorder An eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively Feels powerless to stop More common in males Leads to being overweight/obese

11 Seeking Help Counseling, nutritional guidance, doctor’s care, even hospital stays! Anorexia: Restore body weight to healthy level, psychological & family therapy Bulimia: Break cycle, behavioral therapy, psychotherapy to deal with emotional problems

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