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Lesson 2 Body Image and Eating Disorders. Your Body Image The way you see your body Some teens like the way they look, others are insecure. Physical changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2 Body Image and Eating Disorders. Your Body Image The way you see your body Some teens like the way they look, others are insecure. Physical changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2 Body Image and Eating Disorders

2 Your Body Image The way you see your body Some teens like the way they look, others are insecure. Physical changes are occurring at a rapid pace. Where does body image come from?

3 Accepting Yourself Rapid pace of physical changes may affect body image Growth spurts may cause you to look thin, hormonal changes may cause you to gain weight Accept yourself for who you are Basic body type can’t be changed and could hurt your health if you try

4 Fad Diets Weight-loss plans that tend to be popular only for a short time. Promise quick and easy results May lose weight temporarily May fall into weight cycling-repeated pattern of losing and regaining body weight May restrict certain amounts of food you eat Some use pills or supplements They are not effective and pose serious health risks

5 Types of Fad Diets Miracle Foods Magic Combinations Liquid Diets Diet Pills Fasting

6 Recognizing Fad Diets How can you tell the difference between a fad diet and a legitimate weight-loss plan? Any plan that does not follow the MyPyramid guidelines may deprive the body of nutrients Plans that promise ultra-fast weight loss, promise to boost activity level are generally unsafe or ineffective Watch out for words effortless, guaranteed, miraculous, breakthrough, ancient or secret

7 Eating Disorders Extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death. Classified as mental illnesses. Linked to depression, low self-esteem or troubled personal relationships Often run in families

8 Anorexia Nervosa Eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves Generally affects girls See themselves unrealistically as overweight even when they are dangerously thin Affects a person’s self-concept and coping abilities Characteristics include outside pressures, high expectations, a need to be accepted, and a need to achieve

9 Anorexia Nervosa People w/ this disorder often develop obsessive behaviors to food Avoiding food and meals Eating only a few kinds of food in small amounts Weighing or counting calories in everything they eat Exercising excessively Weigh themselves repeatedly Health Consequences Malnutrition and starvation Brittle bones Drop in body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure May be a reduction in organ size Can lead to heart problems and sudden cardiac death

10 Bulimia Nervosa Eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food Regularly go on binges and may feel out of control and gulp food down to taste it Some instead of purging may exercise frantically after a binge Typically in the normal weight range Share the same fear of weight gain w/ anorexia Health Consequences: Dehydration, sore and inflamed throat, swollen glands Damaged teeth due to regular exposure to stomach acid Damage stomach, intestines or kidneys Severe cases: irregular heart rhythms, heart failure, death

11 Binge Eating Disorder Eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively Similar to the binge of bulimia Binges do not occur as frequently binges associated with bulimia During a binge, person may feel guilty, disgusted about his/her behavior, feel powerless to stop it. More common in males Consequences: Becoming overweight or obese Health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease

12 Seeking Help People w/ eating disorders need help to overcome them Medical help may include: counseling, nutritional guidance, doctor’s care, hospital stay in extreme cases Goal for anorexia cases: restore patient’s body weight to a healthy level Goal for Bulimia: break cycle of binging and purging People who binge eat often do not admit to having a problem. Family and friends help person to recognize problem and seek treatment

13 Homework Write a 1 page essay describing how teen magazines portray teens and their bodies. How might the magazine’s pictures affect the body image of teens? Hand in next class.

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