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Respiratory Assessment

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1 Respiratory Assessment
DARREN HIRD – NURSE PRACTITIONER History Taking Clinical Assessment Interpretation of Findings Implantation of a Plan

2 Respiratory Assessment
The respiratory system is essential for life. Normal lung function requires a balanced interrelationship among the respiratory, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

3 Six important respiratory symptoms
Cough Sputum production Dyspnoea Wheezing Haemoptysis Chest pain

4 Anatomical Presentation

5 Gross Presentation Thoracic Kyphoscoliosis Pectus Carinatum
(Pigeon Chest) Pectus Excavatum (Funnel Chest) Thoracic Operations

6 Landmarks Inspection Palpation Percussion Auscultation

7 General Appearance (Dilated veins, Cyanosis) Finger Clubbing Cervical Lymphadenopathy Respiratory Rate and Expansion

8 Palpation Palpation is an assessment technique in which the examiner uses the surface of the fingers and hands to feel for abnormalities.

9 Percussion Technique Comparison Practice

10 Auscultation Quality of conducted voice sounds
Type and number of added sounds Type & Amplitude of Breath Sounds

11 Summary of Findings Assessment findings include: Inspection Palpation
relaxed posture normal musculature rate breaths per minute, regular no cyanosis or pallor anteroposterior diameter less than transverse diameter Palpation  symmetric chest expansion tactile fremitus present and equal bilaterally Percussion  resonant Auscultation  vesicular over peripheral fields bronchovesicular over sternum (anterior) and between scapulae (posterior) infant and child - bronchovesicular throughout

12 Further Investigations
Culture & Sensitivity Chest X-Ray Lung Function Test DOCUMENTATION

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