Community Safety & Security Programme (CSSP)

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Presentation on theme: "Community Safety & Security Programme (CSSP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Safety & Security Programme (CSSP)

2 SCOPE Introduction of CSSP 8 steps of CSSP process

3 CSSP What is Community Safety & Security Programme (CSSP)
Joint action plan drawn up and implemented by grassroots leaders, residents and the Home Team to tackle community issues affecting the Safety and Security of the neighbourhood A Community Safety & Security Programme (CSSP) is an action plan jointly drawn up and implemented by the grassroots leaders, residents and the Home Team to tackle community issues and problems affecting the safety and security of the local neighbourhood. This plan is a proactive approach in implementing joint Community-Home Team projects and activities to address the safety and security concerns of the local community.

4 CSSP The CSSP approach….
A form of pro-active community self-help group Active citizenships Involve more people in taking responsibility Deals with neighbourhood problems in a more structured manner The aim of joint Community-Home Team projects and activities is to encourage the community into looking after its own safety and security matters through self-help and mutual support. The CSSP approach is very much in line with one of the key principles of the Singapore 21 vision – that of `Active Citizenship’. To realise the Singapore 21 vision, Singaporeans are encouraged to actively contribute their ideas, time and energy to build a better Singapore. Through the CSSP, residents have the opportunity to take an active lead in implementing programmes and activities to improve the safety and security of their neighbourhood. Safety, security and community well–being are at the heart of each community and are important cornerstones of promoting the spirit of self-help and mutual support. Among the benefits of CSSP are: (1) Foster community cohesion among local grassroots leaders and residents. (2) Create opportunities for people to solve community problems as one group. (3) Allow residents to live harmoniously in a safer and more secure environment.

5 CSSP Who are involved in CSSP? Grassroots organisations
(Mainly CCCs, RCs, NCs, CDECs) CDCs Residents Home Team (SPF, SCDF, CNB, Prisons Dept, ICA) Neighbourhood businesses Schools CSSP is owned by the community. Each and every member of the community must be involved and realise that he or she can contribute towards the safety and security of the community.

6 8 STEPS CSSP PROCESS Profiling of Community
Identification and Prioritisation Co-opting Agencies Seek Fundamental Solutions Setting Goals Documentation Implementation Review There are 8 steps leading to the crafting of a CSSP project.

7 Step 1: Profiling of Community
Demographics Housing patterns Education Institutions Other community amenities/structures Step 1 – Profiling of Community Develop a comprehensive profile of the community through surveys and dialogue with the residents in the neighbourhood such as: 1) Demographics a) race of the residents (racial composition of resident) b) age group of the residents 2) Housing patterns (composition of residential areas, industrial estate, no man’s land [vegetation]) a) no. of public housing b) no. of private estate c) no. of factory / industry 3) Education Institutions a) no. of schools (pri, sec, junior colleges, tertiary schools) 4) Other community amenities/structures a) no. of shopping centres b) no. of sports complex c) no. of neighbourhood parks d) no. of market e) no. of multi storey carpark

8 Step 2 : Identification & Prioritisation
Problem identification – identify the security concerns and needs of the community Problem prioritisation – to decide which problem deserves attention Step 2 – Problem Identification and Prioritisation Problem identification - Identify the security concerns and needs of the community through surveys, dialogues, meetings, house visits etc. Security concerns maybe identified through the crime trends provided by the Police. A good community problem should be clear, manageable and allows collective actions. Make a list of all the problems that concerns your community. Problem prioritisation – Select one of these problems for action. To decide which problem deserves attention, examine each problem and ask these questions a) is the problem important to the community? b) will the community benefit significantly from solving this problem? c) can the project team solve this problem? d) does the project team agrees (through consensus, ranking or voting) to solve the problem?

9 Step 3 : Co-opting Agencies
Leverage Stake in the outcome Influences the process Anyone in the define community Step 3 – Co-opting Agencies Co-opt the right agencies to solve the problems that are chosen to be addressed. Who to Co-opt? Persons / agencies who have a stake in the outcomes. Persons / agencies who can influence process and outcome. Anyone who belong to the define community. Examples of agencies such as HDB, LTA, Town Councils etc.

10 Step 4 : Seek Fundamental Solutions
Address the problem Removes the recurrence nature of the problem Does not give long term and undesirable effects Efficiency gained with lesser resources Step 4 – Seek Fundamental Solutions What are the various possible ways to address the problems? Conduct a brainstorming session to determine exactly what the root causes of the problem are. Thereafter, establish the appropriate corrective measures needed to address the concern fully. There are several tools which you may choose to use such as brainstorming techniques, cause and effect diagram or why-why diagram. How do ensure that the solutions address the fundamental causes? A fundamentally good solution should: 1) address the problem (brings improvements) 2) removes the recurrence nature of the problem 3) does not give long term and undesirable effects 4) efficiency gained with lesser resources

11 Step 5 : Setting Goals Set a specific target S M A R T tool - Specific
- Measurable - Achievable - Relevant - Timely Step 5 – Setting Goals Set a specific target. This will enable the project team to focus on accomplishing a clear objective. Use SMART tool to set target: 1) Specific – focused on a particular situation and defines specific actions or tasks 2) Measurable – includes specific levels of accomplishment and ways to know when the goal has been reached 3) Achievable – is something that can be accomplished with a reasonable amount of effort and guidance 4) Relevant – should be in line with the project’s goals (i.e., value added) 5) Timely – accomplished within a specific period of time

12 Step 6 : Documentation To document all the steps in the template provided Step 6 – Documentation To document all the steps in the template provided.

13 Step 7 : Implementation Joint implementation with regular reviews and meetings Step 7 – Implementation Joint implementation (if co-opt with other agencies) with regular reviews and meetings so that it can be improved further when possible.

14 Step 8 : Review Compare the “Before and After” results
Results correspond to the targets set Follow-up action required Step 8 – Review This is the stage to compare the “Before and After” results to gauge the extent of the improvements. The results should correspond to the targets set in step 5. An after action review is recommended to effectively gauge the effectiveness of the programme. In addition, follow-up actions would be required to fine-tune or simply to move on to another concern.

15 CONCLUSION Community cohesion through self-help and mutual support
Gets the community closer, more involved, mobilised and responsible Making a harmonious, safer and secure home In conclusion, CSSP engenders community cohesion through a strong spirit of self-help and mutual support among the local grassroots and residents. It facilitates collective problem solving and in the process, gets the community closer, more involved, mobilised and responsible in addressing the safety and security concerns affecting them. Therefore CSSP has indeed contributed towards making Singapore a more harmonious, safer and more secure Home for all of us.

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