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Reviewing and Renewing St. Clair College Adult Upgrading

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1 Reviewing and Renewing St. Clair College Adult Upgrading

2 Continuous Quality Improvement
This is a year round initiative but most of the work is done during our spring semester in preparation for September The focus is on improvement – what ideas can be implemented to further enhance student success This is our chance to research how our students are doing, both in the program and after exit, and to solicit new ideas to address any issues that arise The entire LBS staff, both full and part time, are part of the process

3 Data Sources Reaction Evaluations (completed each semester by our students) Post-secondary Outlines/Feedback from College Departments LBS Faculty Feedback Customer Service Surveys (from LBS students) Secondary School Outlines (for ACE specifically)

4 Current Issues……….. 1) Bridging gaps between ACE and post-secondary courses -the focus this year has been on Biology, Chemistry and Math due to the number of students requiring these courses for goal path (Health Sciences, Engineering and Apprenticeship) LBS Level 2/3 Numeracy -there are very low levels of numeracy in Essex county as well as specific issues related to skill/knowledge acquisition and consistency of previous education

5 What are we doing? Bridging Gaps between ACE and Post-secondary courses -working on joint initiatives to continue to bring more goal centered applications into our ACE classrooms -we are meeting with college faculty coordinators to ensure that students from ACE are meeting college expectations -we mirror post-secondary structure in ACE classrooms to assist the student with transition -our resource materials have been updated in Biology, Chemistry and Math to ensure that the student is getting the best possible experience in preparation for their goal path

6 What are we doing? LBS Level 2/3 Numeracy
-have completed a redesign of our internal assessment tool to improve accuracy in “leveling” and to maintain the integrity of the tool -have completed a further review of our formative and summative assessments and redesigned them to ensure relevance to various goal paths and to ensure tool integrity -are implementing techniques to help students “understand” how math works (to assist in the transition to abstract thought) -are working with our local high schools on math initiatives to improve skill levels in our community at large

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