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Animal Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Behavior

2 Stimulus & Response Stimulus: signal Response: reaction to a stimulus
Light, sound, odor, & heat Rely on senses Response: reaction to a stimulus Involves: sense organs, nervous system, & muscles see a snake  run away see a pretty/handsome girl/guy  smile hear alarm clock  place head under pillow

3 Behavior & Evolution Behavior: reaction to a change
Certain behavior can help an individual survive and reproduce

4 Innate Behavior Preformed correctly first time
Suckling of a newborn mammal Spiders weaving webs

5 Learned Behavior Habituation: stop response to repetitive stimulus
Train in the middle of the night Sleeping through an alarm clock Classical Conditioning: mental connection between reward and stimulus Pavlov’s Dog

6 Learned Behavior Operant Conditioning: trial and error
Skinner’s box Puzzles Insight Learning: apply something already learned to a new situation

7 Instinct and Learning Combined
Imprinting: based on early experience; cannot be changed 1st object a duck sees when it’s born is it ‘mother’ A familiar smell

8 Behavioral Cycles Response to periodic environmental changes
Migration: move from one place to another Hibernation & Estivation Circadian Rhythm: daily patterns; sleep

9 Courtship Strategy to identify healthy mates
Send out stimuli: sounds visual displays, or chemicals to attract a mate

10 Social Behavior Society: related animals that interact & work together
Increase reproductive success Jane Goodall: Animal Behavior Observed Chimpanzees

11 Competition and Aggression
Prevent others from using limited resources Aggression: threatening behavior used to gain control over another Territory: area occupied by animal(s) Pecking order

12 Communication Passing information Visual: movement & color
Chemical signals: pheromones

13 Communication Sound: crickets, dolphins Language: humans only Touch

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