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Should Spanish be taught

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Presentation on theme: "Should Spanish be taught"— Presentation transcript:

1 Should Spanish be taught
to all American students in elementary schools? Should the age of qualification for juvenile court be raised to 21? Should it be illegal to declaw your cat? Should Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, and Roger Clemens be in the Baseball Hall of Fame?

2 Should an American citizen be
allowed to sue the government over climate change? Should prisoners forfeit their voting rights while serving their sentences? Should we eliminate the Electoral College system? Should transgender students be permitted to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice in public schools? Some non-Muslim women wear headscarves (hijabs) in solidarity with Muslim women. Do you think this practice is helpful to Muslim women?

3 Should drug addicts be forced into treatment? Should “happy hours” be outlawed? Should schools sponsor an astrology club? Should parents receive a subsidy to support home schooling?

4 Should gang-related crimes
be subjected to enhanced punishment? Should the President be able to block you on Twitter? Should a U.S. President divest him/herself of foreign business ties? Should the U.S. government regulate payday loans?

5 Should every child athlete
get a trophy? Should schools sponsor a poker club? (non-gambling) Should tennis fans be allowed to be more rowdy? Should doping be permitted in sports? Does public display of the Confederate flag breed racism?

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