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Technical and Tactical Skills in Sport

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Presentation on theme: "Technical and Tactical Skills in Sport"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical and Tactical Skills in Sport

2 Recap Identify a technical skill in a variety of sports
What are the three different types of technical skills? Name examples of Continuous/Discrete/Serial skills Can you compare a technical skill in two contrasting sports?

3 Aims and Objectives Aims:
To introduce the use of tactics in a variety of sports Objectives: To be able to identify the variety of different tactical skills used in a variety of sports To identify whether a tactic has been successful or unsuccessful To be able to distinguish the difference of a technical skill and a tactic

4 Starter Activity In Pairs, can you think of an example when you have used a tactic in sport. Was it successful?

5 Tactics What is a Tactic?
Tactics are actions and strategies planned to achieve an overall objective - in sport, that objective is predominantly to win.

6 In Football tactics can depend on a number of factors such as:
Opposition Players available for selection The importance of the game The stage in the game What would depending factors be in other sports?

7 Strategy and Tactics are key features in all sports
Strategy and Tactics are key features in all sports. There are many examples of different kinds of tactics and how and when they might be employed. It is important to remember that tactics are only effective if the performer(s) are able to execute them.

8 Identify the Tactic being used:
Golf - Squash -

9 Tactics can be: Pre-Event Tactics - a particular plan before the event, e.g. target specific players or aspects of a team that are seen as a weakness. In-Event Tactics - a plan implemented during the game, such as switching from man-to-man to zone defence in basketball, or changing bowlers in cricket due to the weather or playing surface changes. List three examples each for Pre-Event Tactics and In-Event Tactics in three different sports

10 Successful or Unsuccessful
Tactics can be successful and unsuccessful. In Groups, discuss and share your experiences of when a successful or unsuccessful tactic has been implemented. What makes a tactic successful or unsuccessful then?

11 TASK! In your groups can you compare a tactical skill for two contrasting sports? Example: Decision making in Golf and Tennis. In Golf choosing what club and type of shot to play is similar to choosing a shot to play in Tennis.

12 What is the difference between a Technical Skill and a Tactical Skill?

13 Summary What is a tactic?
Tactics can depend on a number of factors such as… Examples of Successful or Unsuccessful tactics?

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