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B ible quiz night.

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1 B ible quiz night

2 Reason for the evening... “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” Romans 15:4

3 Reason for the evening... “...And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Deut. 6:6-7

4 “Other books are for information; the Bible is for transformation.”
Reason for the evening... “Other books are for information; the Bible is for transformation.”

5 Reason for the evening... “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...” (Romans 12:2) “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:15)

6 What you’re in for tonight...
Round 1 10 Biblical Questions Part 1 Round 2 Match the person to the Event Round 3 Chinese Whisper Skit 1 Round 4 10 Bible Oddities Questions Round 5 10 Biblical Questions Part 2 Round 6 Chinese Whisper Skit 2 Round 7 Mark the places on the Map

7 10 Biblical Questions Part 1
Round 1 10 Biblical Questions Part 1

8 What were the Hebrew names for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego?
Question 1 What were the Hebrew names for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego?

9 Question 2 What was the name of the angel who told Zacharias that Elisabeth would have a baby?

10 Who is the first person to be called a prophet in the Bible?
Question 3 Who is the first person to be called a prophet in the Bible?

11 Who had a donkey that spoke to him?
Question 4 Who had a donkey that spoke to him?

12 Who was the first person to raise someone from the dead?
Question 5 Who was the first person to raise someone from the dead?

13 What happened on the 4th day of creation?
Question 6 What happened on the 4th day of creation?

14 What was the second plague?
Question 7 What was the second plague?

15 Question 8 How many days did it take to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s day?

16 What did John the Baptist wear clothing made out of?
Question 9 What did John the Baptist wear clothing made out of?

17 How old was Methuselah when he died?
Question 10 How old was Methuselah when he died?

18 10 Biblical Questions Part 1 2 points for each correct answer
ANSWERS 2 points for each correct answer

19 Question 1 Answer: Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah (Daniel 1v7)
What were the Hebrew names for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? Answer: Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah (Daniel 1v7)

20 Answer: Gabriel (Luke 1v13-19)
Question 2 What was the name of the angel who told Zacharias that Elisabeth would have a baby? Answer: Gabriel (Luke 1v13-19)

21 Question 3 Who is the first person to be called a prophet in the Bible? Answer: Abraham (Genesis 20v7)

22 Question 4 Who had a donkey that spoke to him?
Answer: Balaam (Numbers 22v28)

23 Who was the first person to raise someone from the dead?
Question 5 Who was the first person to raise someone from the dead? Answer: Elijah – raised the widow of Zarephath’s son (1 Kings 17v17-24)

24 Question 6 What happened on the 4th day of creation?
Answer: God appointed the sun, moon and stars (Genesis 1v14-19)

25 Question 7 What was the second plague? Answer: Frogs (Exodus 8v2)

26 Answer: 52 days (Nehemiah 6v15)
Question 8 How many days did it take to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s day? Answer: 52 days (Nehemiah 6v15)

27 Question 9 What did John the Baptist wear clothing made out of?
Answer: Camel’s hair (Matthew 3v4)

28 Question 10 How old was Methuselah when he died?
Answer: 969 years (Genesis 5v27)

29 Match the Person to the Event
Round 2 Match the Person to the Event

30 Match the Person to the Event 1 point for each correct answer
ANSWERS 1 point for each correct answer

31 Match the Person to the Event
Ezekiel Shaved his head and beard (Ezekiel 5v1) Benaiah This man was commander of Solomon’s army (1 Kings 2v35, 4v4) Rachel Who said “give me children, or else I die” (Gen 30v1) Zadok I anointed Solomon as king (1 Kings 1v39) Naaman Even though I was a leper, I was commander of the Syrian Army (2 Kings 5v1) Gamaliel I was Paul’s famous Rabbi teacher (Acts 22v3) Samson I had a hair cut whilst I was asleep (Judges 16v19)

32 Match the Person to the Event
Solomon It took me 13 years to build my palace (1 Kings 7v1) David Whose acts are recorded in the book of Gad the Seer (1 Chron 29v29) John The apostle that was exiled to Patmos (Revelation 1v9) Lydia I was a seller of purple (Acts 16v14) Who was told in a vision to measure the temple in Jerusalem? (Revelation 11v1-2) Manasseh I am the oldest son of Joseph (Genesis 41v51) Ahab Who said “Art thou he that troubleth Israel?” (1 Kings 18v17)

33 Match the Person to the Event
Jeremiah I was rescued out of the mire (Jeremiah 38v6) Gideon I lead 300 men against the Midianite armies (Jud 7v6-7) Elisha I performed a miracle where an axe head floated (2 Kings 6v1-7) Jairus My daughter was raised from the dead (Luke 8v41-56) Lois I was Timothy’s Grandmother (2 Timothy 1v5) Jacob I had a twin brother who was a hunter (Gen 25v24-27)

34 Round 3 Chinese Whisper Skit 1

35 Round 4 Bible Oddities

36 Who was the world’s first murder victim?
Question 1 Who was the world’s first murder victim?

37 What is the longest name in the Bible?
Question 2 What is the longest name in the Bible?

38 Who was the first man recorded of shaving in the Bible?
Question 3 Who was the first man recorded of shaving in the Bible?

39 What is the only book of the Bible to mention a “pair of shoes”?
Question 4 What is the only book of the Bible to mention a “pair of shoes”?

40 Who had an iron bed that was about 13 feet long and 6 feet wide?
Question 5 Who had an iron bed that was about 13 feet long and 6 feet wide?

41 How many books in the Bible are named after women and what are they?
Question 6 How many books in the Bible are named after women and what are they?

42 Question 7 What is the chapter that talks about dead, dry bones being brought to life?

43 Whose hair weighted 200 shekels when he had it cut each year?
Question 8 Whose hair weighted 200 shekels when he had it cut each year?

44 Who used a stone for a pillow?
Question 9 Who used a stone for a pillow?

45 Who died by having a wet thick cloth put on his face?
Question 10 Who died by having a wet thick cloth put on his face?

46 2 points for each correct answer
Bible Oddities ANSWERS 2 points for each correct answer

47 Question 1 Who was the world’s first murder victim?
Answer: Abel (Genesis 4v8)

48 Question 2 What is the longest name in the Bible?
Answer: Mahershalalhashbaz (Isaiah 8v1)

49 Question 3 Who was the first man recorded of shaving in the Bible?
Answer: Joseph – when he was brought before Pharaoh (Genesis 41v14)

50 What is the only book of the Bible to mention a “pair of shoes”?
Question 4 What is the only book of the Bible to mention a “pair of shoes”? Answer: Amos (Amos 2v6, 8v6)

51 Question 5 Answer: Og, King of Bashan (Deuteronomy 3v11)
Who had an iron bed that was about 13 feet long and 6 feet wide? Answer: Og, King of Bashan (Deuteronomy 3v11)

52 Question 6 Answer: Two – Ruth and Esther
How many books in the Bible are named after women and what are they? Answer: Two – Ruth and Esther

53 Question 7 Answer: Ezekiel 37
What is the chapter that talks about dead, dry bones being brought to life? Answer: Ezekiel 37

54 Question 8 Answer: Absalom (2 Samuel 14v26)
Whose hair weighted 200 shekels when he had it cut each year? Answer: Absalom (2 Samuel 14v26)

55 Question 9 Who used a stone for a pillow?
Answer: Jacob (Genesis 28v11)

56 Question 10 Who died by having a wet thick cloth put on his face?
Answer: Benhadad (2 Kings 8v7, 15)

57 10 Biblical Questions Part 2
Round 5 10 Biblical Questions Part 2

58 Question 1 Which king of Moab was so fat that when he was stabbed, the handle of the dagger sank into his belly?

59 How many days was Jesus on the earth for after his resurrection?
Question 2 How many days was Jesus on the earth for after his resurrection?

60 Question 3 What was the name of the man that fell out of a window while Paul was preaching?

61 How many years were added to Hezekiah’s life?
Question 4 How many years were added to Hezekiah’s life?

62 What is the first recorded miracle of Jesus?
Question 5 What is the first recorded miracle of Jesus?

63 Where were the disciples first called Christians?
Question 6 Where were the disciples first called Christians?

64 Who was the youngest king to reign in the Bible?
Question 7 Who was the youngest king to reign in the Bible?

65 Question 8 What did Hannah make for Samuel each year while he was living with Eli?

66 Question 9 Who tried to pay Peter and John for the power to give people the Holy Spirit?

67 What was Esther’s Hebrew name?
Question 10 What was Esther’s Hebrew name?

68 10 Biblical Questions Part 2 2 points for each correct answer
ANSWERS 2 points for each correct answer

69 Answer: Eglon (Judges 3v21-22)
Question 1 Which king of Moab was so fat that when he was stabbed, the handle of the dagger sank into his belly? Answer: Eglon (Judges 3v21-22)

70 How many days was Jesus on the earth for after his resurrection?
Question 2 How many days was Jesus on the earth for after his resurrection? Answer: 40 days (Acts 1v3)

71 Answer: Eutychus (Acts 20v9)
Question 3 What was the name of the man that fell out of a window while Paul was preaching? Answer: Eutychus (Acts 20v9)

72 Question 4 How many years were added to Hezekiah’s life?
Answer: 15 years (2 Kings 20v6)

73 Question 5 What is the first recorded miracle of Jesus?
Answer: Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana (John 2v1-11)

74 Question 6 Where were the disciples first called Christians?
Answer: Antioch (Acts 11v26)

75 Question 7 Who was the youngest king to reign in the Bible?
Answer: Joash – only 7 years old (2 Chronicles 24v1)

76 Answer: A little coat (1 Samuel 2v19)
Question 8 What did Hannah make for Samuel each year while he was living with Eli? Answer: A little coat (1 Samuel 2v19)

77 Answer: Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8v18-19)
Question 9 Who tried to pay Peter and John for the power to give people the Holy Spirit? Answer: Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8v18-19)

78 Question 10 What was Esther’s Hebrew name?
Answer: Hadassah (Esther 2v7)

79 Round 6 Chinese Whisper Skit 2

80 Mark the Places on the Map
Round 7 Mark the Places on the Map

81 Mark the Places on the Map 2 points for each correct place
ANSWERS 2 points for each correct place

82 Places on the Map Beersheba 7 Bethel 4 Hebron 9 Shechem 5 Jerusalem 1

83 Places on the Map Bethlehem 6 Damascus 10 Kadesh-barnea 3 Jericho 8
Joppa 2

84 And the winner is ...

85 The End 

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