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Chapter 1 Quick-write Look in our Cornell Notes and hopefully you mentioned both a “melting pot” and “mixed salad/tossed salad bowl”. After analyzing.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 Quick-write Look in our Cornell Notes and hopefully you mentioned both a “melting pot” and “mixed salad/tossed salad bowl”. After analyzing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 Quick-write Look in our Cornell Notes and hopefully you mentioned both a “melting pot” and “mixed salad/tossed salad bowl”. After analyzing both these terms which one would you most think best represents the country in which we live in?

2 Why are we living longer?
Chapter 1 Portraits of Americans Where do we live? Where do we work? Why are we living longer? Why should we accept others?

3 Demographics Demography~ is the study of the size, growth, and distribution of human populations ~ Why do demographics change? ~ Where are Americans moving today? Southeast and West Cheaper land, real estate, and more jobs Fastest Growing Cities

4 Rust Belt Area of the United States where a lot of the economy is based upon heavy industry and manufacturing.

5 Sun Belt Warm Weather states such as Florida, Texas, and Arizona
North Carolina is considered part of the Sun Belt Why are more and more Americans moving to the sun belt? Where do most Americans live? (Near cities or in the country)

6 Workforce Service Jobs Dentist Plummer Handyman
Workforce Service Jobs Dentist Plummer Handyman A job in which a person makes a living by providing a service for others. Blue Collar Workers Coal Miners Construction workers Fast food employee Manual labor and earns an hourly wage. White Collar Workers Businessman Stock brokers Salesman To a salaried professional or a person

7 A large rise in the number of births between 1946-1964
Baby Boom A large rise in the number of births between Happens after WWII. Why?? Why has our population declined? Baby Calculator

8 Diversity: Salad Bowl v.
Diversity—Differences What makes you different or special? How are we like a salad bowl?

9 Diversity: Melting Pot
How are we like a melting pot? How is this statement incorrect?


11 Immigrations Immigrants- people who move from one country to make their homes in another.

12 Where are we from and why did we come?
Why did Europeans come to America ? Why did African Americans come to America? Why did Asian American come to America?

13 EX -Klu Klux Klan demonstrates Racism
Racism and Discrimination Racism Discrimination Def- The belief that members of one’s own race are superior to those of others EX -Klu Klux Klan demonstrates Racism Def the unfair treatment of a group of people compared with another EX– white men allowed to vote while black men were not

14 Exclusion Laws Exclusion Laws– Laws that prohibited any further immigration from China and Japan Census Census is a population survey that is taken every ten years Lets us understand the demographics of the United States

15 3 Basic American Values Equality– condition of permitting everyone the same rights and opportunities 2) Freedom—power or ability to make choices 3) Justice– fairness equal treatment

16 Choice of style, music, hair
Equality Race, sex, religion, background, and opinions should not deny anyone a fair chance to succeed in life. Freedom Choice of style, music, hair Justice Fair treatment in trials and in pay.

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