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PostModernism and Deconstructivism Art

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1 PostModernism and Deconstructivism Art
1970- (????)

2 Postmodernism: Deconstructive:
Is a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late-20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism and that marked a departure from modernism. Is widely used to describe challenges and changes to to established structures and belief systems that took place in Western society and culture from the 1960s onwards. : Deconstructive: is a movement of postmodern architecture which appeared in the 1980s, which gives the impression of the fragmentation of the constructed building. It is characterized by an absence of harmony, continuity, or symmetry. based on the creativity ,skills ,knowledge. You can create something new using same and different things finished visual appearance in architecture was at times characterized by unpredictability and controlled chaos.

3 Modernism vs Postmodernism:
Quick History Lesson :) Modernism vs Postmodernism: Modernism consisted on the theory of logic and reason. People would commence to reject unprovable things like god and spiritual beliefs. This as a result caused atheism to increase. More people believed in the scientific method. World became more secular as society identified themselves through communism, capitalism, etc rather than religion. Society became more organized After WWI, people began to question the idea of modernism. Those institutions that were thriving and industrializing our world at the time of modernism could come right back and destroy us with the same technology. Thus, postmodernism was born. It questioned reason and logic, and whether we could trust institutions. People were now confused with what to follow and identify themselves with. Vs. THANKS POSTMODERNISM!

4 Postmodernism Art:

5 Water Bearer Created by: Sandro Chia
Medium: oil paint and pastel on canvas When: 1981 Where: unknown This piece of art uses movement to depict the man engaged in carrying the fish. Lots of color and lines that emphasize the man and the vibrancy of the painting.

6 Lovers Created by: Rasheed Araeen Medium: painted wood When: 1968
Where: unknown This art piece is loaded with Form it has has depth, rather than just appearing flat. It also contains a pattern that consists of nothing but triangles put together.

7 Deconstructivism Art

8 Seattle Central Library
Created by: Rem Koolhaas, Joshua Prince-Ramus Medium: Glass and steel When: 2004 Where: Seattle, WA This building contains form, it is 3 dimensional and had odd edges, each caving in randomly.It also contains a pattern of diamond shaped glass panels.

9 Imperial War Museum North
Created by: Daniel Libeskind Medium: Metals and Steel When: 1997 Where: Stretford, England The buildings shape is quite abstract, having curves and no symmetry. It also mainly incorporates the element of form as, it is 3 dimensional, and overall creative.

10 Nationale-Nederlanden Building Aka “The Dancing House”
Created by: Frank Gehry, Vlado Milunić Medium: Metals and Steel When: 1994 Where: Prague, Czech Republic The building consisted of 99 differently-shaped panels of concrete, topped by Medusa, a twisted metal sculpture. Deconstructive art consisted of architecture, and they all contained formed due to their unusual 3D shapes and style.

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