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Greek Mythology.

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1 Greek Mythology

2 The Beginning Empty Darkness= Chaos
Egg opens; two halves become earth and sky Earth= Gaia Sky= Uranus Gaia and Uranus have children 3 Cyclopes 3 Hundred-Handed Giants 12 Titans

3 The Titans Oceanus Tethys Coeus Phoebe Hyperion Theia Iapetus Themis
Mnemosyne Crius Rhea Cronus

4 Uranus Reign and Fall Uranus bans giants to Gaia’s womb (center of earth) Called Tartarus Gaia asks Titans for help Cronus answers the call Cronus overthrows Uranus From his blood comes the Giants and Furies Aphrodite from sea foam

5 Cronus and Rhea Cronus and Rhea have children Cronus ate his children
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, & Zeus Cronus ate his children Cronus and Zeus wage war Zeus freed monsters from Tartarus Zeus wins the war and punishes enemies greatly Titans banished to Tartarus Atlas told to hold up the world

6 Common Greek Gods Zeus- king of the gods, sky, weather, lightning
Hera- marriage, women, childbirth Athena- wisdom, warfare, battle strategy Ares- war, violence Apollo- music, healing, poetry, sun, light, truth Aphrodite- love, beauty, desire Hades- king of underworld, the dead Poseidon- sea, rivers, floods Demeter- agriculture, grains, harvest Hestia- hearth, home Dionysus- wine, parties, madness Hermes- travel, messengers, trade

7 Creation of Mankind Prometheus and Epimetheus
Epimetheus runs out of gifts Prometheus steals fire Suffer for eternity

8 Creation of Woman Zeus creates punishment for mankind Pandora
Wife of Epimetheus Opens the box All evil comes forth Hope emerges later

9 According to Homer and Virgil
Trojan War According to Homer and Virgil

10 The Set-Up King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy Paris left to die
3 Goddesses appear and demand him to judge Hera- King of all Europe and Asia Athena- Trojan victory over the Greeks; Greece falls Aphrodite- The most beautiful woman in the world

11 Helen Her beauty was known throughout Greece.
Every Prince and King wanted to marry her. Awarded to Menelaus

12 To War Menelaus calls upon Greeks Messenger tricks Odysseus
Odysseus and Achilles do not respond Messenger tricks Odysseus Odysseus tricks Achilles A thousand ships arrive at Troy War rages for 10 years No clear advantage/victor

13 Key Characters Trojans Greeks King Priam Hector Paris Apollo Ares
Aphrodite Zeus Greeks Achilles Odysseus Menelaus Agamemnon Nestor Ajax and Diomedes Patroclus Athena Hera Poseidon

14 End of The Illiad Patroclus takes up Achilles armor
Slain by Hector Achilles vows revenge Hector remains outside the city to fight Achilles slays Hector Drags his body around the city walls King Priam has to retrieve Hector’s body

15 Odysseus’ Plan Steal the Palladium, Get Bow of Heracles
Conceives of plan for the wooden horse Ships hide in nearby waters “Sacrifice” will tell the story Horse will be brought into the city Laocoon Cassandra, King Priam’s Daughter All Trojans are killed except for: Women taken as slaves Helen taken back to Greece with Menelaus

16 The Trojan Horse

17 Reality of war? Could a city hold off invaders for 10 YEARS??
Are gods taking human form and fighting?? Was there really a: Achilles? Odysseus? Paris? Helen?

18 Did the Trojan War Actually Happen?
NO Myth Gods/Goddesses Supernatural Aid YES City of Troy fell Natural occurrences? War? Greeks believed “truth” (probably)

19 Themes in The Iliad Fate Glory (Kleos) Battle Won Glory Wrath/Revenge

20 Terms/Key Ideas  Epic Cycle- refers to the texts relating to the Trojan War (sometimes includes The Odyssey)  Oral Tradition  In Medias Res- “in the middle”  Invocation of the Muses Epic/Homeric Simile- a simile that is made in great length and detail  “Like a lion who has been wounded in the chest As he ravages a farmstead, and his own valor Destroys him.”  Epithet- adjective or descriptive phrase that explains a quality of a characteristic in a person or thing  Usually repeated “the wine-dark sea”  “Dawn with her fingertips of rose”

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