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The Many Legends of HOMER

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Presentation on theme: "The Many Legends of HOMER"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Many Legends of HOMER

2 This Homer Not This Homer…

3 Background Information
There are tons of mysteries and discrepancies concerning the man. Homer is responsible for the first literature known as the epic poem. Epic poem- long narrative poem where great achievements of a hero are told (if it were shown on t.v. it would be a mini series)

4 When were the epics composed?
Some believe that Homer lived sometime in the 12 century B.C. Others believe Homer lived much later, in the 8th or 9th century B.C, placing his writings more than 3 centuries after the Trojan War.

5 Most likely theory: Homer was a bard. (a poet, musician who performed for royal courts) He used the well known stories, or myths that had been passed down from generation to generation to entertain the Greeks.

6 Elements of Homer’s Style
Epithet - combination of a descriptive phrase and a noun which highlights a prominent characteristic Example of Epithets for Zeus - "Lord of Olympus" "the summoner of cloud"

7 Elements of Homer’s Style
Epic / Homeric Simile - an extended comparison that mounts in excitement - compares something extraordinary with something common

8 Example of Homeric Simile
"Fear fell upon Hector as he beheld him, and he dared not stay longer where he was but fled in dismay from before the gates, while Achilles darted after him at his utmost speed. As a mountain falcon, swiftest of all birds, swoops down upon some cowering dove- the dove flies before him but the falcon with a shrill scream follows close after, resolved to have her- even so did Achilles make straight for Hector with all his might, while Hector fled under the Trojan wall as fast as his limbs could take him." - The Iliad

9 Elements of Homer’s Style
Repetition - repeat of a word, phrase, stanza form, or effect in a work of literature - used in epic for comfort and rest Example - description of a feast

10 Elements of Homer’s Style
in (en) medias res - "in the middle of things" - begins in the middle, goes back to the beginning, then continues on Example - Forrest Gump, Lost

11 Elements of Homer’s Style
Hubris - great / excessive pride that brings about the downfall of a character Example - in Epics - usually against gods

12 Two epics Homer is famous for:
Iliad- The first of the two epics. This story is about The Trojan War. It highlights two heroes on each side: Achilles- Greek Hector- Trojan Odyssey- The second of the two epics. This story takes place after the Trojan War is over. Odysseus, from Greece, has many adventures trying to get home.


14 Helen, queen of the Greek king Menelaus,
was known as the most beautiful woman on earth

15 Paris is a prince of Troy.
He woos Helen, despite danger of his courtship ....Stealing a Queen from a King is always RISKY!

16 Helen falls in love with Paris
.....and abandons her mighty king husband, Menelaus

17 Menelaus enlists his brother, the mighty Agamemnon,
to help him overthrow Troy

18 a THOUSAND ships set for sail for Troy!
Led by the brothers, a THOUSAND ships set for sail for Troy!

19 The Greeks assemble an enormous army...

20 ...But the walls of Troy are said to be

21 For 9 Years the Greeks and Trojans Spill Eachother's Blood

22 The Greeks were led by the mighty Achilles

23 Legend said that Achilles was invincible...
except for his HEEL!!

24 the heroic Hector, brother of Paris
The Trojans were led by the heroic Hector, brother of Paris

25 It seemed the Greeks would be victorious when Achilles defeated Hector

26 However, after the defeats of Ajax and Achilles
it seemed the Greeks were finished...

27 The Greeks still had 1 hero up their sleeve...
the crafty Odysseus came up with a plan

28 Odysseus came up with the idea for the Trojan Horse...
It was a gift for the Trojans...

29 The only problem for the Trojans was the Greeks
hid their men in its BELLY!

30 While the Trojans slept, the Greeks left the belly of the horse...
...and using a surprise attack burned the city to the ground...

31 Odyssues' plan had worked...he was a hero...
but he made 1 mistake...

32 Odysseus' pride had upset the sea god, Poseidon.
He would pay the price for the next 10 years. These Years Would Be Known as The Odyssey.

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