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Presentation on theme: "Density."— Presentation transcript:

1 Density

2 Density Density is the amount of matter in a given volume.

3 Density is a characteristic property – it can be used to identify something.
It does not change for that substance. Characteristic property – a unique characteristic used to identify something. Example, color, crystal shape, flammability, boiling point.

4 Density Formula Density= Mass ÷ Volume or D = M ÷ V

5 Rearranged Equations M = D x V V = M/D M V D x

6 Densities of common objects
Water  g/cm3 Aluminum  g/cm3 Iron  g/cm3 Mercury  g/cm3 Gold  g/cm3 Oak (wood)  g/cm3

7 Which is heavier? 50 g of feathers

8 Or… 50 g of Lead

9 Which is heavier?

10 Both have the same mass, but different volumes…so they have different densities.

11 Which is more dense? If you calculate the density using the formula D=M ÷ V you would see that… Feathers are less dense. Lead is more dense.

12 Will It Float? Will It Float?

13 Which ball is heavier? Golf ball, ping pong ball, or bouncy ball?

14 Relating that to density…
All have the similar volume, but they have different masses. …Therefore, they have different densities. Least Dense: Ping-Pong Ball Most Dense: Golf Ball

15 Which one will float? Diet or Regular Pepsi?


17 Relating that to density…
Diet coke has a density less than water and will float. Regular coke has a density greater than water and will sink.


19 Density of Liquids Hydrometer in water
Which of the following liquids is the most dense? Water, alcohol, salt water

20 Most dense – Salt water, pushes the hydrometer up.
Lease dense – Alcohol, hydrometer sinks.

21 In the real world… If a ship is going from salt water to fresh water, should the ship have a full load?

22 No, salt water causes it to float, if they have a full load they will sink in the fresh water.

23 Do oil and water mix? Oil is less dense than water and will float on top.

24 Galileo Thermometers Each bulb is filled with a different liquid which have different densities.

25 Colorful Convection Currents
Warm water is less dense than cold, water. The cold water stays on the bottom, and the warm water stays on top. Cold water is more dense, than warm water. The cold water sinks, and the warm water rises to top.

26 In the real world… Hot air, like hot water, causes hot air balloons to rise because the hot air is less dense.

27 Cartesian Diver Less water, more air, the diver floats
More water, less air, the diver sinks

28 In the real world… Submarines pump water out, to make the sub float. They pump water in to make the sub sink.

29 Ordinary Bubbles The soap and air is more dense than the air around it causing it to sink.

30 Rising Bubbles The soap and methane is less dense than the air around it causing it to float.

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