Keys to Running a Successful United Way Campaign

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1 Keys to Running a Successful United Way Campaign

2 technique one Enlist the support of your CEO Hints to Success
Support from all levels of management, especially your CEO, dramatically increases the effectiveness of the Campaign Chair. Hints to Success Enlist the support of your CEO Engage a senior executive to serve as Spokesman/Champion for the CEO Arrange a meeting with a United Way representative to acquaint the executive with how the United Way system works. Send all employees a letter from your CEO endorses the campaign. Recruit a Campaign Team once the Campaign Chair is appointed. Provide convenient accessibility to United Way staff so they may better assist in the campaign.

3 technique two Recruit a Campaign Team to Assist You Hints to Success
Select those that inspire creativity, encourage teamwork, demonstrate enthusiasm, and can monitor campaign progress. Ask your Campaign Team to assist you with fun ideas to get everyone involved in United Way activities. Hints to Success Recruit a Campaign Team to Assist You Incorporating the right blend of campaign volunteers is an essential component of a successful employee campaign. Recruit a Campaign Team to develop a company-wide campaign plan including solicitation of employees, development of additional campaign materials and planning of promotional events and materials. This team of representatives gives broad ownership to the campaign and distributes your workload. Companies that use this technique experience 69% higher employee per capita giving than companies that do not use this technique.

4 technique three Develop Strategies and Set Goals Hints to Success
Analyze results from previous years to establish goals by site and along organizational lines. Be sure your goals include other components of the campaign, such as % of participation, % of pledge card return and increase in the % of employees who participate in agency experiences. Develop strategies and set a goal based on last year’s efforts and this year’s workplace environment. Companies that use this technique experience 11% higher employee per capita giving than those who do not use this technique.

5 technique four Hold Group Meetings Hints to Success Encourage
attendance through: • Word-of mouth • Campaign committee • Flyers • Posters • Company bulletins • Corporate intranet • reminders • Group voic Corporate newsletter Educating the broadest sector of employees about the work of United Way is key to a successful company campaign. Conduct group presentations to encourage employees to contribute to the campaign. Briefings can be done as part of a regular employee staff meeting, and should last no longer than 15 minutes. Employee presentations are an opportunity for employees to learn about: • How their contributions will help build stronger and healthier communities • United Way and its activities in strengthening local communities • How the campaign operates in their company . . . And gives United Way an opportunity: • To thank employees who invest in United Way agencies and programs • To answer critical questions from employees

6 technique five Utilize United Way Resources
Hints to Success Utilize United Way Resources United Way staff members are available to assist each company and location in every step of planning, training and implementing a successful campaign. Use the resources of the local United Way year-round. Use United Way staff resources at all company locations. Companies that use this technique experience, on average, 26% higher employee per capita giving than companies that do not use this technique. The United Way staff is thoroughly trained and ready to assist with the campaign. Visit to use United Way tools

7 technique six Hints to Success Run a Special Solicitation for Potential Leadership Givers Run a separate Leadership Campaign among executives. Be sure to enlist the CEO’s support and direction in this process. Encourage employees to give a percentage of their salaries. Provide special recognition for their generous contribution. Promote the benefits of donating stock. Your company’s management team can lead by example through their giving. Hold a separate Leadership Giving meeting for management. Companies that use this technique experience, on average, 51% higher employee per capita giving than companies that do not use this technique. Enlist the support of the CEO. If the CEO has not already made a personal Leadership ($1,000-$9,999) or Alexis de Tocqueville Society ($10,000+) contribution, work with United Way staff to identify the best person to ask your CEO for his or her contribution. Send invitations from the CEO inviting senior management to attend a special briefing for top executives.


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