Metric Measurement.

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Presentation on theme: "Metric Measurement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metric Measurement

2 Types of Metric Measurement
Length Mass Volume Temperature Density Time

3 Length Distance between 2 points Basic Unit: meter (m)
Equipment: meter sticks, metric rulers


5 Mass Amount of matter in an object Basic Unit: gram (g)
Equipment: Triple Beam Balance Or Electronic Balance ** Weight is different than mass! Weight is mass x force of gravity. Mass is constant. Weight can change.


7 Volume Amount of space something takes up.

8 Volume of liquids Basic Unit: liter (l) Equipment: graduate cylinder
*Always read a graduate cylinder at eye level. Meniscus- curved upper surface of a column of liquid.

9 Volume of Liquids-cont.
Read the volume using all certain digits and one uncertain digit. Certain digits determined from marks on cylinder Uncertain digit is estimated. Volume: ml

10 Volume: ml Volume: ml

11 Volume of Solids Basic Unit: cm3 Equation: V = L x W x H Example:
V= 3cm x 3cm x 3cm 3 cm 3 cm 3 cm

12 Volume of Irregular Solids
You will use a graduate cylinder by water displacement.

13 Temperature Most scientists use Celsius (C°)
The measure of how hot or cold something is. Basic Unit: Kelvin (K) Equipment: Thermometer Most scientists use Celsius (C°)

14 Density Closeness of particles(how spread apart they are)
Mass per unit volume of an object Basic Unit: grams per cm cubed (g/cm3) Equation: D = M / V

15 Time Interval between 2 events. Basic Unit: Seconds (sec)
Equipment: Clock or stopwatch

16 Metric Conversions Kilo 1000 Going Up: Move the decimal point left for every step you take. Hecto 100 K Deka 10 H Base Unit 1 Dk Deci 0.1 g , l, m Centi 0.01 Going down: Move the decimal point right for every step you take. d Milli 0.001 c m

17 Metric Conversions Going Up: Move the decimal point left for every step you take. Kilo Hecto K Deka H Base Unit Dk Deci g ,l, m Centi Going down: Move the decimal point right for every step you take. d c Milli m

18 Converting Metric Units
Practice Problem 1: 1000 mg=______g Practice Problem 2: 160 cm=_______ mm Practice Problem 3: 109 g=________kg

19 Converting Metric Units
Compare using >, <, or =. Problem 4: 56 cm  6 m Problem 5: 7 g  698 mg

20 Metric Conversion: Answers
Problem 1: 1 g Problem 2: 1,600 mm Problem 3: .109 kg Problem 4: < Problem 5: >

21 Conversion Practice Problems
27 Dkm = ______________ cm 2, 437 cm = ______________ km 14 kg = __________________cg

22 Fri. Practice Problems 65 dg = ______________Dkg
100,000 mm = _______________ km Find the volume of this object. (Each small block is 1 cm long)

23 Practice Problems Answers
0.65 Dg 2) 0.1 km cm3

24 Scientific Notation A shorter way to write very large & small numbers.
Example: 300,000,000 m/s (speed of light) = 3.0 * 108 Coefficient Exponent To write a number in scientific notation: 1. Put the decimal after the first digit and drop the zeroes 2. Count the number of places from the decimal to the end of the number.

25 Example 2: 0.000001 s Coefficient= 1.0 In 0.000001 there are 6 places.
Exponent: 6 Answer: 1.0 * s Example 1: 123,000,000,000 Coefficient = 1.23 In 123,000,000,000 there are 11 places. Exponent = 11 Answer : 1.23 * 1011

26 Scientific Notation Practice Problem 1: 1,000 000 km = 1.0 * 106 km
5, 600, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 m/s = 5.6 *1021 m/s Practice Problem 3: L = 3.11 * 1014 L

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